Yes because they have to...but you can expect to get a cancel letter soon afterwards ....and hard to find reasonably priced insurance afterward
You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!
If you have insurance the insurance company covers it if you do not the cost comes out of your pocket
There are seven types of car insurance. Liability insurance covers the cost of repairing any property damaged in a crash, as well as medical bills. Collision insurance makes it so then insurer pays for repairs. Comprehensive insurance handles any situation, including theft. Uninsured motorist protection is a policy that covers damage by an uninsured motorist. Medical/Personal-injury Protection covers costs of injury. No-fault insurance covers property damage and injuries no matter who is at fault. Gap Insurance is for driver's who still owe money on the cars and need to pay off the vehicle if it is totaled in an accident.
the person responsible for the accident, if the person riding yours caused the accident than he/she is responsible
SR22 auto insurance is definitely required to get through an auto accident in florida, as it is an essential part of paying off the debts of the crash.
No, they will give you the current book value of the car at the time of the crash.
crashes, accident, impact, smash, bump ect.Impact, Smash, Crash
Impact; collision; crash; accident
Driving instructor insurance is designed to protect both the instructor and the student in the event of a crash. For student driver companies, this specific insurance is required by the law.
Depending on context, several words synonymous with "crash" include "clatter," "smash," "thunder," "din," and others. In some situations, "accident" could be used in place of "crash."
He will be able to tell it has been damaged in a crash immediately He may take weeks to determine if the crash happened as described by the person reporting it.
Yes, Cars can crash if there was a severe accident.