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If the car is in your friends name and you are the one buying the insurance it's not a big problem. Just make sure you insure both you and the owner of the vehicle. The owners name must appear as a named insured for property loss purposes otherwise the policy is null and void and no property loss payment could be made.

AnswerThe insurance must be in the same name as the person who owns the vehicle. An insurance policy and application together make up a legal contract. If you insure a vehicle that you do not own and have a claim the insurance company cannot pay you for damages because it is not your car, and they cannot pay the owner of the vehicle because they have no contract of insurance with them. By lying on the application, you have also committed material misrepresentation and insurance fraud and thus the insurance contract is therefore null and void.
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Q: Does the title of the car have to be in the same name as the car insurance?
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Related questions

Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as the title owner in Michigan?

Not typically. The insurance is typically in the name of the person to whom the car is registered and this is not always the name shown on the title.

If your the co signer and you drive the vehicle does the person whos name who is actually on the title have to have car insurance on that same vechicle or can the co signer just have it. In Indiana?

Generally, the person whose name is 'actually on the title' must be the same person who insures the car. You must disclose to the insurance company if you are not the owner of the car. You should call the insurance company and ask your question.

Can you get your car in your name without a license?

i pay out my car but i still need to change the title ,i have insurance but not a license can i still transfer the title in my name?

Can i have a car and title under my name and be added to my fiance's insurance policy without the car legally becoming his?

yes, the insurance policy is different from the car title (title is government, insurance is business) in most states, if you live together, you are both required to be insured on the car.

You have your car's registration in your name and insurance in pervious owner's name that is not transfered to your name.Can you drive the car this way?


Can you insure a car not titled in your name?

can you have insurance on a car if the title is not in your name? Generally, no. You don't have anything to insure (called insurable interest). The only time this is permitted is with spouses. The car's title may be in either name, but may be on the others insurance.

Does my insurance cover a friend driving my car?

yes because if you have insurance on your car as long as you name is on the title and you were in the car with your friend most likely the insurance will cover it

What do you do after buying a car from a previous owner?

Get insurance, a tag and a the title in your name

Can I insure and register a car in my name if my name is not on the title?

I know you can put the car your insurance but to register a different story

Can you get insurance on a car if the title is in your parents name?

Yes. Mine is thru Geico.

Can you insure a car whose title is under your name and then change the name on the insurance to your parents if they transfer the title to them?

Your parents would need to add the car to their own policy.

Can you be on your parents car insurance if you own your own car?

You may have to add their name to the title as co-owner.