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Generally, the person whose name is 'actually on the title' must be the same person who insures the car. You must disclose to the insurance company if you are not the owner of the car. You should call the insurance company and ask your question.

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Q: If your the co signer and you drive the vehicle does the person whos name who is actually on the title have to have car insurance on that same vechicle or can the co signer just have it. In Indiana?
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Does all insurance company's do vehicle history reports?

Most of them but not all of the insurance company's do vechicle history reports. ;D

Can I get an Indiana car insurance quote through an online insurance agency?

Yes. Geico and Progressive both have online quote sites where you can obtain a quote for a vehicle in Indiana.

What happens if you are driving an insured vechicle but personally have no insurance?

you could get fined up to 200 to 300 pounds for not having the insured vehicle in your name or maybe it even can get impounded.

How do you spell vechicle?

The correct spelling is "vehicle" (a transportation device).

Is your insurance company required to fix your vehicle if you hit a state of Indiana deer?

No. We do not have state deer, here in Indiana. Only wild deer.

How do you get your name off vehicle registration?

i need vechicle registrations owner

What is the going rates for motorcycle insurance in Indiana?

The average rate for good quality motorcycle insurance in Indiana is around sixty to seventy dollars a month. But, then again prices do depend on your driving record, age and vehicle.

How do I get out of a no insurance ticket while driving someone else's vechicle?

You can't. You were caught operating a motor vehicle which had no insurance. It is the drivers sole responsibility to determine that any car he/she drives is properly insured before getting behind the wheel and driving away - no matter who owns the vehicle. You could counter sue the vehicle's owner in small claims court, though.

What is Indiana non auto insurance laws if no vehicle registered?

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Can you get a title on a vechicle when insurance has paid off .?

I assume you are talking about a vehicle that was totaled. Depending on your state's laws, you may be able to get something like a salvage title or similar. Basically it is a title that allows you to register the vehicle but you cannot pass it off to a buyer as a clean title vehicle. This can be fine for a project car or a personal vehicle but will decrease its value for resale.

What is the journal entry for a cash purchase of a vechicle?

[Debit] Vehicle Purchased [Credit] Cash / bank

Search and seziure a vechicle?

This is in reference to a vehicle being repossessed, usually due to non-payment.