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In general, failure to wear a seat-belt will not void your claim for damages to your vehicle or any passengers wearing their seatbelts. It may however affect any claim for personal injury to the person not wearing the seatbelt. Typically, if this is the case, the claim for personal injury will not be entirely voided, but the nature of the injuries will be examined in detail, and one might not be reimbursed for injuries that would likely have been prevented by the use of the seatbelt.

Refer to the law of the state in which you are in and to your insurance policy for specific limitations.

Also note that your health insurance policy will cover the injuries, even if your auto-insurance policy doesn't.

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Q: Does not wearing a seat belt void an accident claim?
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Why do you need to wear seat belts?

Wearing a seat belt has been reported to save more lives in an accident than wearing no seat belt.

Will a passenger who is wearing a seat belt likely hit the windshield in an accident?

If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.

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Does not wearing your seat belt go on your motor vehicle record?

yes, that's why when your in an accident and you get killed they all ways tell on the news report if you were or were not wearing a seat belt.

Can a person claim conpersation if not wearing a seat belt?

If there is no seat belt fitted to the vehicle, then possibly. If theres a seatbelt fitted and its not used, then likely no.

Can you get minimize injuries from a car accident without your seat belt on?

No way. There has been documented proof that wearing a seat belt can prevent most injuries.

What injuries can occur if you don't wear a seat belt?

Injuries that occur in a car as a result of a person not wearing their seat belt depends on the accident. If the impact is strong enough, they can be thrown from the car.

What about Georgia Dekalb County fines for not wearing a seat belt?

The fine for not wearing a seat belt in Georgia is $15.00.

What does a seat belt do in a car?

A seat belt protects the passengers when you have a car accident.

How many points do you gain for being ticketed for not wearing a seat belt properly?

there is no points loss for not wearing a seat belt

Would the driver be responsible for the passenger's medical bills if the accident was the drivers fault and the driver had a seat belt on and walked away unharmed but the passenger had no seat belt on and got injured?

Probably, but the defense will argue that the passenger contributed to his injuries by not wearing the seat belt which the driver provided.

Can you be stopped for not wearing a seat belt in ohio?

Yes, you can be stopped for not wearing a seat belt anywhere. It's the law, mister (or miss).