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Most Home Insurance Policies do not provide coverage for cracked or broken concrete structures such as sidewalks, patios and driveways as this is considered normal wear and tear.

You should contact your Insurance Agent for clarification.

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Q: Does homeowners ins cover replacement of driveway?
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Yes, But only if you have water overflow endorsement on your policy. Otherwise there would be no coverage.

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No, You would need to look for your auto insurance for road accidents

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No, Your Homeowners policy does Not provide coverage for your handyman, employees nor any other hired workers.

Is it true that the claimant gets cash or check if he or she has a ACV option and has to turn in receipts if he or she has the replacement cost option on the homeowners policy?

not exactly. replacement cost is better. receipts are not required by law, but the ins co's say that they are because people don't know better.

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Your insurance broker can answer your question.

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Homeowners insurance will not cover care for patient, but hospice has contracts with agencies that will help in the situation described. Contact the hospice nurse for help.

What if a tree topple over and fall on your car will my homeowner ins cover it?

No, homeowners insurance does not provide coverage for automobiles. The vehicle owner will need to file a claim on the comprehensive portion of their automobile insurance

Can you get homeowners insurance in Connecticut on a house that has an in-ground oil tank?

Apparently so. It is also good to get tank insurance--here is a site Just google "homeowners ins Connecticut oil tank'. I just learned a thing or two and I have an old oil tank under a brand new driveway in Ky. Think I will be calling for information myself.

Is a downed pine tree covered by homeowners ins?

Contact your insurance Company and ask them. Most homeowners insurance policies will only cover the cost of tree removal if the tree fell on the house, otherwise if the tree fall did not damage you insured property improvements, then it's just the homeowners own responsibility to remove debris after the occasional storm.