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No, homeowners insurance does not provide coverage for automobiles. The vehicle owner will need to file a claim on the comprehensive portion of their automobile insurance

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Q: What if a tree topple over and fall on your car will my homeowner ins cover it?
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Sentence with the word topple?

the little kids block toppled over topple- verb means to fall over

What is a synonym for the word fall?

Plummet.. I think? plummet, dive, tumble over, topple, descend

What does topple mean?

To cause to fall. Such as U.S. Forces topples the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

What types of movement can a cylinder do?

They can roll, they can topple over.

Why do pyramids face the sky?

They would topple over otherwise!

Give you a sentence for topple?

the cup toppled over the table

What the meaning of tumbling like Jill came tumbling after?

The meaning of the word tumbling as used in the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill is to lose balance and fall, stumble, take a spill, or topple over.

Why does the space needle in Seatlle Washington cannot topple over?

It is locted in Seattle dun.

Why don't you fall from a bicycle when you are riding?

You don't fall because you keep your balance once you get the hang of it; you don't go too far to the right, or too far to the left. You also lean forward. If you don't, you're most likely to fal over, or topple over. Keeping your balance is the key to sucess to riding a two wheeled bicycle.

When will an object topple over?

An object will topple over if the vertical line of action of the center of mass falls outside the base of support. This can happen when the object's center of mass is not directly above its base or if an external force causes the object to become unbalanced.

Why does a table or chair have 4 legs?

because if it had one, two or three it would topple over.

What are some facts about the penny-farthing?

It was expensive and tended to topple over forward during braking.