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You need to post the property as "Private Property" and "No Trespassing". You are not responsible to people who come across your property without permission and are certainly not liable for damage to their vehicle when they are trespassing. Homeowner Liability Coverage will only pay for damages that you are legally responsible for paying and they will also pay for defending you. However, if you do not take steps to protect yourself like posting the property and even closing the road however you need to then the insurance company will cancel your insurance. You are required to mitigate your damages and keep them from happening. The local and state governments do not pay for damage to anyone's vehicle because they hit a pothole.

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Q: Does homeowner's property liability insurance cover for claims arising from the public using a private road owned by me in the title The road is not hard surfaced and is liable to potholes?
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Does homeowners' liability insurance cover personal injury on another property?

No, your Homeowners Insurance will not. Your Medical Insurance Will.

What are the two type of coverage provided by a homeowners insurance policy?

Property and Liability

If your assaulted by a homeowner away from property can you settle your lawsuit through their homeowners insurance?

No, Homeowners Insurance does not provide liability coverage for criminal acts of the insured. It does not matter if your on or away from the property.

What is home insurance?

Home Insurance is Insurance coverage for your house, condo or apartment for your personal property and liability coverage for you. The insurance coverage for your house is also called homeowners insurance. The Homeowners isurance is an insurance package that has coverage for the dwelling, the others structures on your property, Loss of Use, Medical Payments and Personal Liability.

Should homeowners insurance cover damage to a neighbor's property?

Your home insurance property coverage portion of your policy would not provide coverage for property of another. However, If you are found liable for damage to your neighbors property your liability coverage would invoke. Most homeowners Insurance policies come as a package with some level of Liability Insurance unless you purchased stand alone property only coverage.

Does homeowners insurance cover Burglary for renters?

No, homeowners insurance typically only covers property and liability for property owners, not renters. Renters should consider purchasing renters insurance, which can protect their personal belongings in the event of theft or burglary.

Does homeowners insurance cover vandalism to your car in the driveway?

No it does not. Homeowners insurance covers your home, property and liability excluding your auto. Your auto comprehensive coverage will protect you for fire, theft, striking an animal and....vandalism.

Does homeowners insurance pay for an accident of someone who lives in the house and injures themselves on the property?

It's called "personal liability" coverage, and virtually all homeowners policies have it.

Does homeowners insurance cover damage to your neighbor's property caused by construction on your property?

Actually, This is covered under your Contractors General Liability Insurance. If your contracting builder does not have insurance, you need to get rid of him, and find another contractor immediately.

What kinds of things does my homeowners liability insurance cover?

When you own a home you are libl for nything that happens on your property. Homeowners liability insurance covers you in the event someone i injured on your property. Homeowner's liability insurance covers the homeowner in the event that someone gets injured while on their property. It covers medical bills and other expenses for guests if something happens to them while at your home.

Will homeowners cover an unregistered vehicle that hit mine on your own property?

No, Homeowners insurance does not provide comprehensive, collision nor liability insurance for your vehicles. Now if somebody's vehicle hits your house, your home insurance would cover the damages to your home.

Does your homeowners insurance cover you if you are injured on someone else's property?

No You would need to seek coverage under your medical insurance policy for accidental injuries. Homeowners insurance is for property and liabilities that may arise out of home ownership. Home insurance does not replace medical insurance. If you think the property owner is liable through cause of injury, you might seek coverage under their liability if they carry the coverage.