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Your insurance will pay the contractor. The contractor gets the required permits. The contractor will have already factored in the cost of any permits needed to make your repairs into his bid for the job.

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Q: Does home owners insurance cover required city permits due to damages to the home?
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Can I sue my neighbor for filing fraudulent claim against my home owners insurance?

It is up to the insurance company to seek damages, not you.

What type of insurance policies are required for aircraft owners?

At the bare minimum aircraft owners are required to purchase liability insurance covering the operations of the aircraft. If the aircraft is financed they must buy hull replacement insurance is also required.

What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and get hurt and they do not have car insurance is the owners insurance responsible for medical for the injured driver and damages?

You guessed it!

What if a person pushed a shopping cart into your car and damages it will that person's insurance pay for it?

Home owners if you have it may cover

What financial law requires owners and operators of motor vehicles to be financially responsible for damages they cause when in a crash?

Every state has their own laws covering insurance and liability for damages.

What does Building-Insurance-uk specialize in?

Building-Insurance-UK specializes in home owners insurance. They cater to landlords that have homes rented out or empty to cover any damages that might occur.

Does your home owners insurance cover damage to neighbors car due to high wind?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance will not cover windstorm damages to your neighbors vehicle because you are not liable for acts of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle.

New driver gets into accident with friends car with no insurance friend only has GDL who's liable for damages to both cars?

If it was your fault then your freind is liable for the damages. If it was the other guys fault then his insurance will pay for it. Keep in mind, while legally it is the owners responsibility for the damages, he can sue you if he wanted to.

Do I need to insure my car if I have drivers insurance?

It is uncertain what you mean by "driver's insurance". There is a kind of liability insurance called "non-owners coverage" that is often required under a state's Financial Responsibility Law when an individual has been in an at-fault collision, did not have the required liability coverage and when the other party's damages exceeded a stated amount, or when an injury occurs. It is also sometimes required when a judgment is entered against an individual for an auto collision and the judgment remains unsatisfied. Non-owners coverage generally will "follow the driver" irrespective of the vehicle that he or she is driving. Non-owners coverage provides no coverage for the vehicle itself such as for its repair or replacement in the event of a collision.

Do you need insurance to ride a 50cc gas scooter on the road in SC?

not on public roads, only requirement is a valid drivers permit or modep permit. Scooter registration is $10 per year, insurance can be required by private property owners such as campgrounds. The same permits and insurance that a golf cart must have when operating at places like Myrtle beach state campground.

Will the home owners insurance cover if my vehicle hit my garage wall?

No,, That would be covered under your auto insurance policy. Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to street vehicles.

When purchasing a new home can you get your own homeowners insurance?

Yes, In fact you are required to get your own home insurance when you buy a home. You can not inherit the previous owners insurance policy. The previous owners insurance is null and void the moment they sell the home.