Yes. Whose injuries and how much maximum can vary greatly. The best thing to do is to find a knowledgable agent that you like and can trust and sit down and discuss your needs and wants. A good agent will find the right prce for what you want. An independent agent is your best bet as they represent several good companies that are competetive in their area. Mainly, find one you like and can trust.
Medical insurance should cover any injuries substained no matter how they were caused. Health insurance is only responsible (in most cases) for what your car insurance and the third party involved's insurance does not pay. Legally, car insurance is primary over health insurance.
Car insurance that pays for your injuries when you're in an accident in your car is
When towed, it should be an extension of your auto policy.
Yes, if you are not at fault in a car accident, the third party's insurance should cover the damages to your vehicle and any injuries you may have sustained.
You have to have car insurance which is a legal requirement and with the right level of cover, provides financial protection in the event of your vehicle being damaged. It will also provide cover for injuries to other drivers, passengers or pedestrians, and their property.
No. Liability insurance will only cover your liability for property damage/injuries to others. In this case, it would cover the damage to the pole you hit. Your liability coverage will never cover damage to anything you own. You would need collision/comprehensive coverage to cover damage to your car.
No, diamond car insurance don't cover the loss of jewerly. They cover different kind of insurance like car insurance, home insurance and travel insurance.
Yes. Most insurance companies will cover injuries sustained in a robot attack.
Liability Insurance and the Stolen VehicleNo, Liability Insurance provides coverage for damages or injuries that we cause to others. It does not provide coverage for our own vehicle damages or theft.
No, Flood insurance will not cover your Automobile. Your Comprehensive Auto Insurance will cover flood damage to your Car.
I think your car insurance will cover that.
Whether the drivers injures are covered under the insurance depends on the type of insurance carried. It also depends on if the wreck was their fault or not.