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Generally, no. However, auto liability insurance usually "follows the car", rather than the driver.

Not all insurance companies will insure a vehicle that not registered to the policy holder. They feel it to be a risk factor due to the insured not being the only person driving the vehicle. That said, all drivers of the vehicle have to be insured on the policy, and a premium paid commensurate to their risk factors (age, accident history, and other factors).

If one does not own a car, it is possible to get "non-owners" coverage. This insures the driver for liability coverage irrespective of the vehicle driven.

As to physical damage coverage, such as collision or comprehensive, one must have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle to insure it. This essentially means that the person seeking the insurance has a financial stake in the continued existence and condition of the vehicle. Therefore, a stranger will not generally have an insurable interest.

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Q: Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as the title owner?
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Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as the title owner in Michigan?

Not typically. The insurance is typically in the name of the person to whom the car is registered and this is not always the name shown on the title.

Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as the title owner in Texas?

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Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as on the title?

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Can a co-owner of a vehicle be excluded from an auto insurance policy?

Yes they can.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another persons car in Florida?

The insurance policy on the vehicle you were driving will pay any damages assuming the owner of the vehicle and the owner of the insurance policy is one and the same.

If you are put on your daughters car insurance policy now and you want your own insurance later will you have a problem getting it in the future?

Being listed as a driver on one auto policy will not hurt you when you go to get your own policy. If you have a car that you own, and you are listing that on your policy, you should be very careful as you cannot insure a vehicle you do not own. If you have an accident, you daughter's auto insurance will not cover a car that you own unless she is a co-owner on your car's title.

Is the loan for a vehicle paid off when the owner dies?

Not under the standard auto insurance policy.

Can you register tag and title unde one name and have insurance under another?

The vehicle owner is equally liable for any and all damages caused by an authorized driver. The owner should always be covered under the auto insurance policy and is required in order to register the vehicle.

Can you take out an auto insurance policy in AZ if your spouse is the registered owner of the vehicle?

You should check with an agent on this. Some states will require the owner to have the policy and list you as a driver.

Can you put tags on your daughter vehicle?

generally,a personal vehicle is regitered (tagged) in the name of the owner shown on the vehicle's title. if her name is on the title,you can supply the funds to register but it will be in HER name. (same goes for insurance,policy will be in named owner shown on title.) a possible solution might be to re-title the vehicle in BOTH your names,your DMV or an auto insurance agent can tell you what the laws allow in your state.

Can a 23 year old as a licensed driver be covered on parent's auto insurance policy?

Sure, The policy owner can add any driver to their auto insurance policy, In fact, If you are a regular driver the owner is required to disclose such and list you as a scheduled driver, otherwise the insurance company could deny coverage in the event of an accident involving an unscheduled driver. It does not matter if your related or not.

Does homeowners insurance cover a car stolen off your property?

No, Never. An auto theft would have to be covered by the vehicle owners comprehensive auto insurance policy. A homeowners Insurance policy is not liable for the theft of a vehicle. that's what Auto Insurance is for. If an Auto Owner chooses not to purchase a Comprehensive auto Insurance Policy then they assume the risk of a total loss in the event of a theft. The vehicle owner can not seek to shift liability to another person simply because it was on their property when the vehicle was stolen. If this were the case then every time a car is stolen from the parking lot of a store or shopping mall people would expect that business or property owner to pay for their loss.