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No they do not pay for such claims.

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Q: Does auto insurance pay for accidents that were due to illegal activity?
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What company offers the cheapest auto insurance for someone who's had three accidents (all my fault) in the last year?

Allstate auto insurance can still give you great rates on car insurance even with accidents.

Will auto liability insurance follow a driver if they steal an auto?

NO, All auto insurance policies specifically exclude coverage for accidents and claims that arise from criminal activity other than normal traffic violations. Auto theft is a felony in the U.S. No Auto Insurance Company in the USA would be obligated to pay for a claim arising from the Insureds theft of another persons property.

Will homeowners insurance cover injuries from an auto accident on private property?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Auto accidents. Auto Insurance covers automobiles. It does not matter if the auto accident was on public or private property.

Does homeowners insurance cover auto damage to non-owners vehicle your property by someone hitting a pole?

Of course NOT. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accidents. That's what Auto Insurance is for.

What are premiums for auto insurance?

The premium is the price you pay for your auto insurance. This will vary greatly depending on location, drivers, accidents, vehicles, etc.

What types of policy can be obtained from Swift Cover Insurance?

Swift Cover Insurance is an insurance company that provides its customers with a variety of plans. They provide insurance plans that cover auto accidents and travel accidents.

Does homeowners ins cover accidents or injuries on a private road in a subdivision?

No, You would need to look for your auto insurance for road accidents

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person's car if Im driving on a suspended license?

No insurance company will cover you for driving whilst suspended. Any illegal activity will deem your policy null and void.

Does American Auto insurance cover traffic accidents?

"Yes, it does. Perhaps the chief purpose of purchasing American Auto insurance (or any automobile insurance) is to seek coverage in the event of a traffic accident."

What is a non-standard auto insurance policy?

A non-standard auto insurance carrier is an insurance company that insures higher risk drivers - such as drivers with multiple tickets or accidents and/or poor credit.

If a driver hits a pedestrian and does not have adequate car insurance but does have adequate homeowner's insurance will it cover the accident?

No. They are two totally different types of insurance.