The definition of hydraulics is a descriptive term for a system operated or moved by a fluid. So the answer is no.
Solids do not flow at room temperature, so they are not practical for use in hydraulics. When a gas like air is used in a system similar to hydraulics, it is called pneumatics. Sometimes hydraulic systems use both, like in an automobile lift.
Hydraulics is the use of liquids to transmit power. Pneumatics is the use of gases (usually air) to transmit power.
Yes, they can use hydraulics.
Not usually. Hydraulic systems use fluids. Pneumatic systems use gas.
No use for exhaust in car air conditioning
Liquid is needed to use hydraulics. It's what makes hydraulics work.
it runs with hydraulics .the hydraulics contains some oil immersion , fluids.
Cars use hydraulics in the brakes and steering, and planes use hydraulics by adjusting the wings and rising and lowering the landing gear :P
People use it for their plumbing, the air brakes on trucks, hydraulics, etc.
No. Buy a new bag.
One similarity is that they both use fluids. Both gasses and liquids are fluids. the two are also compressible.
Hydraulics usually is more accurate because you can't compress a fluid in the way that you can air and so air cylinders are always going to be "spring" like in their operation. One way around this would be to use geared air motors and some sort of feedback if positioning is important.