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yes it does according to the law of physics if the vehicle is in motion when the car stops suddenly, you will fling forward.

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Q: Does a car accident involve inertia?
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1994 Oldsmobile delta 88 stopped running after accident--Engine cranks but there is no fuel pump sound--Is there any inertia switch etc in this car and where is it located?

No inertia switch on an Oldsmobile.

What happen to hybrid car if involve in accident?

The same thing that happens to any other car. There are no special provisions for hybrid vehicles.

How many cars are usually in a car accident?

One car at the least (like if you are crashing into a tree, that would only involve one car), usually two cars are involved in a car accident, but there can be many cars involved. Hope this helps.

The moral principle is involve when a car driver who is involve in an accident is changed reckless in prudence causing damage of property?

Recklessness may constitute an offense against property.

What has greater inertia a large car or a small car moving at the same speed?

The larger car has greater inertia because inertia is directly related to an object's mass. As mass increases, so does inertia. Therefore, the larger car moving at the same speed as the smaller car would have greater inertia.

What is inertia switch ford?

If the vehicle is involved in a serious accident the inertia switch shuts off the fuel pump.

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Has this car been in an accident?

Which has more inertia a car with 900 kg or a car with 1500 kg?

The car with a mass of 1500 kg has more inertia than the car with a mass of 900 kg. Inertia is directly proportional to mass, so the car with greater mass will have greater inertia.

How does inertia cause injury to a person in a car accident?

When a car is moving at a certain speed, objects in the car, including people, move at the same speed as well. When a car accident happens, for example the car crashes into a wall, the car stops moving suddenly because of the obstacle it hits. The people, however, don't meet the obstacle and keep on moving at the same speed they had been moving before the accident. As a result, these people usually hit the front car glass or the steering wheel and get injured.

Your 2002 Chrysler 300m was in an accident and now wont start is there a inertia switch or cutoff that needs to be reset and where is it?

There is not an inertia switch on this car. The fuel system is computer controlled with relays. So you need to stat with checking for codes, check fuses, etc.

How much money do you get if you are in a car accident and it is not your fault?

You don't "get money" for being in a car accident. If you are in an accident and not at fault, it is the responsibility of the other person's insurance company to put you back into the same place you were before the accident. This would involve paying for the repairs to your vehicle, or giving you the value of the vehicle if it isn't repairable. Also they would pay for any medical bills incurred as a result of the accident.