You need to have the number displayed, and documentation of the validity of the DOT number.
should only need a dot number if it is used for a commercial purpose
Not unless it is involved in the interstate transport of commercial products. In most states vehicles registered and licensed for "farm use" are restricted in their usage, usually in the distance they may travel in relation to where the farm is located.
Dot 3
Truck Driver DOT Physical Atlanta GA
DOT stands for Department of Transportation.
If the vehicle doesn't require a CDL and the vehicle is registered in that state, no. If the vehicle requires a CDL, yes. Vehicles falling under exemptions such as the farm truck exemption or emergency vehicle exemption vary by state.
Registered Motor VehiclesThe total number of vehicles registered in Iowa (autos, buses, trucks, trailers, etc.) equaled 4,135,870 in 2008.There were 936,006 trucks and truck-tractors registered in Iowa in 2008. Among the trucks registered in Iowa, 916,271 are motor trucks and 19,735 are truck-tractors.There were 752,769 registered multi-purpose vehicles. (2008)Motorists purchased approximately 55 million gallons of gasoline and 1.077 billion gallons of gasohol in Iowa in 2004.In 2007, the Iowa DOT's Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers conducted 59,514 truck and tractor-trailer safety inspections
Laws on this vary by jurisdiction. You need to contact the DOT/DMV of your state to determine this.
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It WILL be EPA approved if it came into this country (that is the Law).
That's some horrible grammar, I would suggest you learn how to write first and then do your research on how to start a business.. All you had to do is answer the man's question. Aint no need to worry bout his spelling is this grade school? But to the point you would need a business license and dot inspections of the truck