Spouses are allowed to carry separate insurance policies, as there are no laws stating otherwise. However, it is generally more cost effective for spouses to carry one together.
NY and Auto PoliciesYou can have separate policies, but most of the time, it is cheaper to be on the same policy. A NY Insurance Company will ask the question of being married, and if there are other licensed operators in the household, regardless of if they drive the car. It is always said that if there are others in the household that they do have access the the vehicle (last car in the driveway theory). If you commit fraud, you can be denied a claim.
It is normal to have responsibility for it. The insurance often also required the spouse to accept responsibility and the primary insurance holder is always required to do so.
Credit Life Insurance.
it's your house. it's your house.
It does. Beginning June 26, 2013, same-sex spouses of active service members are eligible for health insurance.
Yes, they do.
Survivorship life insurance is often taken out by spouses. All the benefits of the policy roll over to the surviving partner on the policy upon the first person's death. However, the benefits are not accessible by the surviving partner; the entire policy is only paid upon the second person's death.
yes they can
Yes, they do.
Generally, the owner of the policy has the right to choose their beneficiary.
They can choose not to provide coverage for a spouse. US law states employers have to provide insurance for employee's children under the age of 26, but does not say anything about spouses, so they can choose to stop covering employee's spouses.