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No it is considered stolen if someone currently has something of yours in their possesion without your permission.

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Q: Do your car doors have to be locked in order to report something stolen or make an insurance claim on it?
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Whose insurance company do we report to if the vehicle that was stolen was borrowed from a friend?

You should report the theft immediately to the police and to the car owner's insurance company.

Your car was stolen in Texas who can help?

Call the cops. File a report. Call your insurance company.

Can you get arrested for refusal to file a police report for something stolen?

No. But if you get your money stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your money back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your jewelry or furniture stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your jewelry or furniture back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your bike stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your bike back. The point is if you get something stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your stuff back. But they're not allowed to put you in jail for refusal to report a stolen car, bike, jewelry, money etc. You won't go to jail for refusal to report a stolen object, but whatever you got stolen, you won't get it back.

My ATV was stolen on my neighbors property. We just finished up the report and I'm just curious.. does my full coverage insurance for this ATV cover it Or does my neighbors homeowner's cover it?

If the ATV was in a garage locked up your home owners insurance should cover the lose. If it was on your truck in the yard or just sitting somewhere your ATV insurance should cover the loss. Just call them and they will answer you. Make sure you file a police report

Is student insurance a necessity?

It is not a necessity, but is a very important thing to have. If you were to get into an accident or have something stolen, the insurance company can give you something for the damage.

Can you cancel stolen car insurance claim?

You can't just cancel a claim. It is basically up to the Insurance co. to either aprove a claim or deny it. However, it the vehicle was stolen, it is your resposibility to provide a police report proving that the vehicle was indeed stolen.

What document insurance co need to process stolen auto claim?

Typically they need a police report.

If your car is up for repo but is stolen before you return your car what happens?

When your car is 'stolen", you file a stolen car report with the cops. Then your INSURANCE will pay off the loan. The lender will deal with the insurance co. and alls well. You dont have a car, but no payments either. BTW, the insurance co. HAS to be sure its stolen or they wont pay the loan off.

What can i do if i am listed as a cosigner and my spouse took the car and left the state?

i would report it stolen. if the payments are made the loan company can and probably will come after you for the money. If you report it stolen to the cops you can at least report it to the insurance company and the loan company and that should remove your responsibility.

Can you make a claim if your wife steals your car?

You'll need to report it stolen. The insurance provider will require a police report before they'll honor your claim.

Is there a limited time to file a stolen vehicle report to insurance when a police report has been filed?

You need to read your insurance policy. Different states have different requirements for such notification. You would need to do it quickly though.

What can i do if i left my bicycle in my aunts garage with her ok but then her husband leaves it outside next to the garage with her approval and it gets stolen?

You can report is stolen and hope their homeowners insurance will cover its replacement.