You can't just cancel a claim. It is basically up to the Insurance co. to either aprove a claim or deny it. However, it the vehicle was stolen, it is your resposibility to provide a police report proving that the vehicle was indeed stolen.
I Think You Can Cancel Your insurance....idk That's Just My Guess..
since the claim is processed than you do not own the car anymore.
Stolen car that claim was paid off by the insurance company. The car was later recovered. Because the claim was already paid the car is owned by the insurance company and they will typically sale these at auction.
Yes you can, the claim is for the date of the occurrence which hopefully happened while you were insured.
Of course not! It wasn't stolen or wrecked, it was taken from you for failure to pay on the loan!Be sure to cancel the insurance.
You can accept the claim and then buy back the car. This way you get money for the claim and you get to keep your car. The price for the car will be way lower at the totaled price than what you will receive in the claim.
No, that wouldn't be a reason for claim denial. It may be a reason for them to investigate you for insurance fraud.
They will accept almost any claim, paying it is another matter.
It is reasonable to expect that if you know who stole your car, and the police are involved, your car is probably going to be returned to you, so it is premature to file an insurance claim. If the car is returned in a damaged condition, you may then have a claim.
If one's car is stolen, the first step is to call the police and provide information on the stolen vehicle; then follow the advice of the police as quickly as possible so as not to delay recovery of the vehicle. The next step is to contact the insurance provider to process an insurance claim.
You'll need to report it stolen. The insurance provider will require a police report before they'll honor your claim.
No, as long as you have let your insurance company know they car is stolen.