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It depends on the person. The advantage to a higher deductible is lower premiums, however, the disadvantage is having to come up with a large sum of money if you're involved in an at-fault accident. A good question to ask yourself is (for instance, if your deductible is $1000), "If I'm involved in an accident that is my fault, can I come up with $1000 quickly?"

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Q: Do you want a high insurance deductible?
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Where can one find a high deductible health insurance plan?

There are a number of places where one could find a high deductible health insurance plan. Some businesses that offer high deductible health insurance plans include Aetna and United Healthcare.

Is it worthwhile if you travel a lot to have a low deductible insurance?

Yes, if you travel a lot it would be helpful to have a low deductible insurance. You would be out of your network most of the time, and in the case of needed medical treatment, you do not want your deductible to be so high that you cannot afford the treatment.

What are my options for Low Deductible Insurance?

A low deductible insurance policy simply means that, a low deductible, possibly $200 as compared to $2,000 which would be a high deductible. Often you are also given the option of choosing 80, 90 or 100% co-insurance. Co-insurance is the amount that the insurance company pays (after deductible) up to whatever is the maximum out of pocket amount.

What is the normal deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance?

The deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance depends upon what you select. The deductible portion is not covered by the insurance policy and thus high deductible policies have a lower premium. Car insurance requirements also vary from state to state.

Which of these will not cause your insurance premium to be higher?

Having a high deductible will not cause your insurance premium to be higher.

Is it better to get a low deductible insurance policy for my teenage son?

A low deductible will mean higher premiu. Your premium will already undoubtably be high with a teenage driver on your policy so you may want to consider it.

Does car insurance cover tire vandalism?

Yes, vandalism is covered under comprehensive insurance policies. But if your deductible is too high, you may want to just pay for a replacement tire.

WHEN health insurance deductible?

WHEN WHEN when is health insurance deductible paid when? When?

What is 'buyback deductible' in regards to property insurance?

you are a bell end if you want to know this

Can you have a high deductible insurance and be on another insurance plan too?

I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different comapnies: INSURANCE-QUOTES-FREE.INFO

Does Medicare plus choice msa require the establishment of a high deductible insurance plan?


Is there a deductible on comprehensive auto insurance?

Yes. Most insurance companies do have a deductible for this kind of insurance. Most deductibles are 500. This can be a normal charge for a deductible.