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RUN, don't walk, to your agent! The worst thing for you is to not report an at-fault accident and THEN the insurance company finds out from the other party who you hit. Having spent 23 years in the insurance field, I can tell you that your insurer is in a much better position to evaluate an accident and handle third parties than policyholders are. In addition, waiting puts you and your insurer in jeopardy of not handling the situation in the best, calmest, and most legal manner. B y that I refer to those situations where you may be tempted to have a handshake agreement with the third party to "pay for " their damages. How much will that be? Can you afford to pay "right now?" Will you get a properly-worded "release" from the third party so they cannot come back later against you for more money? In short, "Do it Yourself" claims handling is a bad idea and some folks simply don't know what they don't know. Please don't be one of them.

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Q: Do you need to report to the insurance company if I am at fault?
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What happens if the at fault party of an accident refuses to contact his insurance company to report it?

You only need to report it if you are expecting some compensation.,

If someone with auto insurance hits your car do you still need to report to your own auto insurance?

It really depends what state you live in. Although if you have full coverage on your vehicle you should report through your company and your company will go after the other insurance company to get their money back. If you have no collision coverage for your vehicle then you will need to file with the other insurance company and they will decide who was at fault for the accident, if their insured is at fault they will repair your vehicle

What can you do if you were ticketed in an accident and found not guilty in court but your insurance company had already paid the other driver's claim and increased your premium?

You will need to open a consumer complaint with ChoicePoint and get the accident fault indicator changed to N.A.F.(not at fault) on your CLUE report. Then notify your Insurance company after your CLUE report is corrected. Then the company will remove the premium impact of an "at fault" accident.

If you have basic insurance someone is faulted by hitting your car what should be done?

You will need to make a report to both insurance companies. Even though you are not at fault your insurance company will still want to know. Unless the other party takes the blame right away and tells there insurance company that it was there fault then you do not need to tell your insurance. But I always recommend that you always talk to your insurance company about the accident.

What can you do if the person at fault in an accident claims to have no insurance?

You'll need to file an accident report, then notify your insurer of the loss occurrence. If your have collision or uninsured motorist coverage on your policy, your insurer can handle it for you. Your insurance insurance company pays you, they would then seek subrogation from the at fault driver.

How long do you have to report an accident to your insurance in Ontario?

When you are involved in an accident involving injury or property damage, you need to report it to your agent, broker, or insurance company within seven days, regardless of who is at fault. If you are unable to report it within seven days, report it as soon as possible after that. If you don't report your accident within a reasonable amount of time, your insurance company may not have to honour your claim.

Will your comprehensive auto insurance cover your car if you were not at fault in the accident but other drivers insurance denies claim?

Let your insurance company/agent handle the claim--they will collect from the other insurance if there is a valid claim. You'll need a police report.

What can you do if someone hits your car from behind and totals it but you dont have insurance and they do?

If it was their fault, their insurance company will cover the damages of your vehicle. I would hope that the person at fault has filed the claim already but you need to make certain. I also hope that a police report was done at the time of the accident.

If your air bags blow out in an accident that is not your fault will you recover damages?

You should contact the at fault party's insurance company and let them know you have a property damage claim. You will need an accident report. Photos of the damage or an estimate for repair will also be helpful.

Can you still collect on your own insurance without paying the deductible after an accident.?

If you have collision coverage on your vehicle you can collect from your insurance company for the damages. You will not have to pay the deductible if you were determined by the insurance company to not be at fault for the accident. They then go after the other insurance company to get the money they paid you back. If you do not carry collision coverage then you need to file with other insurance company, they will then decide who was at fault for the accident if their party was at fault they then pay you for the damages to your vehicle.

How do you file a claim on your own to an insurance company after being involved in an accident that wasn't your fault?

call the at fault company and advise you need to report a claim...give them all the info you have on their insured, they can set up a claim and proceed with the claim investigation..if you need more info/help please provide more details and I'll see what i can do.........

I have liability only and my car was totaled?

If another person was at fault for the accident, you will need to go after their insurance company. If you are liability only, your insurance company will not pay for anything.