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You do not need additional insurace for a Floridian with just a learner's permit. Of course the minute they get a licence - you will need to inform your insurance company. Your insurance may double at that time. Suggestions: > Make them pass a safe driver course at school which will help lower your rates > A 3.0 (B grades) or better may reduce your rates > An online driving course cost us $90 but saved us $120 the 1st year. Check with your insurance company for details on the above.

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Q: Do you need car insurance for a sixteen year old with a permit in the state of Florida?
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Related questions

Does the state of Florida require car insurance for drivers with only a learner's permit?

In the state of Florida, drivers with only a learner's permit must be on their parent's insurance so that in the event that an accident does occur then they are covered.

Do you need auto insurance when you have a learner's permit in the state of Florida?

Anybody, regardless of age, operating a motor vehicle in the State of Florida needs a policy of liability insurance.

Can you drive in the state of Florida on a learners permit without insurance?

The VEHICLE that you are driving must be properly insured.

If you are in the state of NY will insurance companies raise your rates if you obtain a learners permit at sixteen years old?

Yes, it stands to reason that adding a sixteen year old driver to any policy would raise the rates (unfortunately!).

If your sixteen how much is it to do your learner permit?

Depends on the state you live in which you failed to list.

Can a sixteen year old choose where to live in the state of Florida?

If you

If you have a learners permit in Australia can you transfer it to the state of Florida?


Can you drive in Florida with your BC learners permit?

No. Florida will allow US permit holders from other states to drive in their state, but not foreign nationals on a foreign learner's permit.

Can a Florida resident drive out of state with a learners permit?


Do a student at the age sixteen or seventeen need a working permit in S.C.?

South Carolina by state law does not require work permit; however, just because the state does not require it employers could indeed request such permit.

If you have a Florida state learners permit can you drive in Pennsylvannia state with it?

No. Pennsylvania does not recognise out-of-state permits.

Can you get your permit before your sixteen?

In some states, such as Wisconsin where I'm from, you can get your learners permit when you're 15 1/2. Information more relative to your state should be on your state's DMV website.