

Best Answer

no you jsut need to be incognito everybody knows that>.> noo you dont njsut need to be incognito

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Q: Do you need a Pennsylvania driver's license to get Pennsylvania auto insurance?
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Do you have to get auto insurance when you get your license?

No. You need not get insurance when you get a drivers license, but you must get insurance when you buy your own vehicle

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

If you lose your drivers license what happens to your auto insurance?

you die

Will auto insurance cover you in an accident if you do not have a drivers license?


Can you qualify for an auto loan with no drivers license?

yes you can get a auto loan without a license but you can not get auto insurance with out one and you can't complete the loan closing without insurance.

Can you sell auto insurance with suspended license?

With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.

Do you have to have auto insurance if you have a drivers license but no car?

If you have your G2 or higher you need insurance to drive.

Do you need auto insurance if you have a drivers license?

Only if you plan to drive a vehicle. This is generally the reason people get a drivers license.

Can you get auto insurance in AZ with an out of state drivers license?

Yes you can. I am insured with Insurance Locators in Mesa.

Can you get non owners insurance with a revoked drivers license in Arizona?

Typically, any auto insurance will require the existence of a valid license.

Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?

If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

Can you get auto insurance in IL if your drivers license is suspended?

Ordinarily an auto insurer will require a valid license as a condition of issuing a liability policy.