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No, you don' t have to fix it, but should you have another accident in the same area they will deduct this payment, and should your vehicle total, then again a percentage of this unrepaired prior damage will come off the value of your vehicle. If this is first party claim, and a lien holder is on the vehicle then you may have to get their signature (and in most cases), they will require you to apply it to your loan.

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Q: Do you have to use your insurance settlement to fix slight bumper damage?
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As the shunter, it is assumed, in normal circumstances, that you are at fault. Either offer to pay for the repair yourself, or exchange insurance details and let your companies sort it out. Sometimes it's cheaper in the long-run to pay for the damage repair and protect your insurance record. If, however, the shuntee wishes to go the insurance route, you have no choice but to agree

Does a 2004 s2000 front bumper fit a 2002?

Yes with some slight modifications. You will have to trim the bumper support and remove the foam padding. You will also have to switch the fender liners bc the 2002 liners wont reach the 2004 bumper.

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The time frame to report it to your insurance company will be specified in the policy. And to bring a civil suit, it will probably be two years.

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How hard a bump are we talking about and which car do you refer to? If it's only a slight bump then each car will probably only have damage to its bumper (fender in the US). But a harder smack may damage the radiator shell or even the radiator itself on the rear car and the boot (trunk) of the front car. A very hard smack might even damage the chassis of one or both cars.

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No. why would they? But they do cause slight to moderate damage to hair.

How much does the value of a car decrease after the rear bumper was replaced after a slight accident?

If the repair returned the car to preaccident condition, t he value of the car should not be affected.

If you hit a post in a parking lot causing slight damage to your car should you report the accident to your insurance company and make a claim?

It might be cheaper in the long run to just take care of the problem yourself. If you report the damage, the insurance company may decide to raise your rates, maybe not this time, but certainly soon. Figure out what your deductable is versus how much it will cost to repair. If you have $500.00 deductible and it will only cost $600.00 to repair, I'd forget it.

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It increases how often your pets attack and how much damage they do by a slight amount.

Two cars back up at the same time in a parking lot and hit bumper to bumper. One car is at a slight angle and has a dent in the side of the bumper but the other is fine so who is at fault?

Easy, both are. Both drivers weren't watching behind, and so bumped into one another. Fault belongs to both, and both must come up with a suitable solution.

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Depending on the extent of damage, it can be reground and polished to the next size bearings be it .010, .020 or .030 over, .030 being the maximum.