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I would only give the statement of facts of loss and then tell the other adjuster to refer any other questions to your adjuster.

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Q: Do you have to respond to the other party's adjuster or you only need to talk to your own insurance adjuster?
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What does an adjuster do that would constitute transacting insurance in other words what does an adjuster do that arises out of the insurance contract?

an insurance adjuster is called to assess the damage to the covered vehicle for repairs

Insurance adjuster estimate is less than what you obtained from other estimates?

If your insurance adjusters estimate is lower than that of your own, you can submit them to your insurance company through the adjuster or directly for payment. Many times insurance companies make quick lowball offers in the hopes you will take them. You may want to consider hiring a Public Adjuster in order to get the most you can from the insurance company. Studies show that settlements were 42% higher when a public adjuster is involved.

Do you have to use the adjuster your insurance gives you for a damage estimate?

No, you do not have to use the Adjuster your insurance company gives you for a damage estimate. You can be your own adjuster by getting 3rd party bids for repair or replacement, along with any other covered expenses, like towing and a rent car and medical bills, add it all up and present to your insurance company for payment. Instead of presenting them to your adjuster, ask to work directly with the manager of that office, or go straight to the insurance company. I work as a Public Adjuster, for the Insured, not the Insurance Company. Public Adjusters usually work on property claims and they help homeowners collect the maximum amount possible after a fire or flood.

How does an auto insurance company process a claim?

Once you've reported an accident to your insurance company they will assign a claims adjuster to your file. The claims adjuster will meet you in person or contact you by phone to determine what is covered by your policy. The claims adjuster will let you know where to take your vehicle to be assessed to determine if it is a write off or repairable. If the accident was the fault of another party, then your adjuster will contact the other insurance company of the other party, assuming you were able to obtain the information of the other party. If anyone was injured in the accident then information from a doctor will need to be provided to the insurance company, so they assess financial compensation for the injury and time off work.

What does the term 'adjuster' mean in insurance?

An insurance adjuster is an individual whose function it is to resolve claims that are asserted as being covered under an insurance policy. The claims can be asserted either by the person or entity insured under the policy, or by a third-party who claims benefits under the insurance policy, for example, due to the insured's negligence. Stated otherwise, an adjuster makes the following determinations and performs the following acts: 1. Confirming that the policy was in force at the time of the occurrence; 2. Investigating the facts of the occurrence, including requesting and analyzing all paperwork; 3. Determining whether the language of the policy, reasonably construed, applies or does not apply to the facts of the occurrence; 4. Assessing the damages or other amounts payable under the policy using the policy itself, applicable law, and other applicable reference materials as indicated. Related to this, the adjuster determines who/what are the proper payee(s) of the proceeds; 5. Compliance with all laws governing the adjuster functions in the jurisdiction. An insurance adjuster is a licensee of the state department of insurance. Inherent in that status is the requirement to pass a state examination to obtain a license, and to take continuing education courses as required by the by the state of licensure. An adjuster can be a "company adjuster", meaning that he/she works for an insurance company, or an "independent adjuster", meaning that he/she can be hired by an insured to act as an advocate for the insured with respect to the claim(s). The adjuster cannot act in both roles. An independent adjuster is usually compensated as a percentage of the amount recovered, and the engagement must usually be documented in writing from the outset.

Can you use the other party's car appraisal estimate in a car accident claim?

You will use the estimate from whichever insurance company that is paying out on the claim. The adjuster from that insurance company will be the final decider.

What are the different adjuster licenses in Florida?

In Florida, there are three types of adjuster licenses: 1) All-Lines Adjuster License, which allows the adjuster to handle all types of insurance claims; 2) Property and Casualty Adjuster License, which permits the adjuster to handle property and casualty insurance claims; and 3) Workers' Compensation Adjuster License, which authorizes the adjuster to handle workers' compensation insurance claims. Each license requires passing the respective state examination and meeting other criteria specified by the Florida Department of Financial Services.

How do you get an insurance adjuster license in Texas?

There are lots of online provider who offer Texas Insurance Adjuster Licensing Exam. After completing the necessary requirements, you need to complete 40 hours of General courses regarding specific areas such as Life, Health, Property and Casualty Insurance. Other mandatory courses are also included in the package. After getting licensed, you are now required to take a Texas Insurance Continuing Education for the renewal of your license.

Had minor accident gave license and insurance info to other party Did not collect other partys info Now other party asking huge money There was no police called How can I defend it We in Texas?

You need to contact your insurance provider immediately. the person you hit may or may not have ins. Let your insurance provider handle this one. You did what your were supposed to do by law.

Do cats and dog go to partys with each other?

no they do not

If there was a minor accident and no police report was filed can an insurance claim still be made after the fact?

Yes you can still file a claim with your insurance hopefully you got the other persons info so ythat you can pass it on to your adjuster.

How much money do you get if you are in a car accident and it was not your fault?

That depends how costly the accident was. If the other driver is uninsured I doubt anything. But if everything is legit and you go get an estimate and your insurance adjuster will discuss that for you.