Call the police and get a police report. Call your insurance company and report it to them asap.
Yes, you will need to report your accident to the police. You should report all accidents to the police, so that you can file a claim with your insurance.
If the police came out and made a report of it then it will be on your driving record. It will be a not-at-fault accident but it will still be on your driving record. If the police did not come out but your insurance knows about it then it will be on your CLUE report and be a not-at-fault accident.
It shouldn't ... normally insurance companies do not report the accident to the police authorities unless a death is involved. However, since you reported the accident to your insurance and if you are at fault, it may cause your rates to increase.
Yes, CLUE reports monitor anything paid by any insurance company regardless of a police report. Therefore, only if you reported the accident to the insurance company or they reported it. If you did not, and they did not, and there was no police report(for example you did some kind of direct negotiation or something) only then is there no way they are going to find out.
You can still report the accident to the insurance company and collect for damages. The Police will most likely not take a report. You would have to call them to verify that though.
Sure. People can claim anything. The question is will your insurance pay the claim. Without a police report of the accident, you may be in for a lawsuit. Never ever, have an accident and fail to call the police.
If both drivers have no insurance and do not file a police report, each driver is responsible for repairing the damage to his/her own vehicle.
You can get an accident report at the police station.
angel pinaandbrittany chantaca09-22-11
The Accident report should provide vivid description of the incident with timing, location along with a handwritten sketch,corroborating with the Police Report and Surveyor's Report.
accident report