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Yes, you will need to report your accident to the police. You should report all accidents to the police, so that you can file a claim with your insurance.

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Q: Do you need to report an accident to the police if you have hit a telegraph pole?
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Does an car accident need to have a police report in Washington State?


Whilst driving you have an accident in which someone is injured. You must report this to the police within?

You do not need to report it to the police you need to report it to the DMV within 5 days.

Do you need to report an accident to police?

It depends on the accident. Most states do not required it if no one was injured.

Do you need to report all accidents to police?

It depends on what your state law says. All states have different laws regarding when you need to report an accident.

Do you need a police report for minor car accident?

Arkansas law requires an accident report if there is any personal injury or total damage to all vehicles involved is $1,000 or more.

Your daughter was involved in a car accident and you need to get a police report?

all you need to do is go to the police department and ask for a copy you can also call them up and if you know the officers name that reported the accident then you can talk to them you might have to leave a message but they will get back to you quikly

Is an accident on a grocery store parking a private matter or do the police need to be called?

Calling the police lets the victim file a police report to provide for both insurance and legal reasons.

How long do I have to file an accident report in New York City?

most laws for rules of the road are similar in any state. an accident report needs to be filed as soon as possible. check with your local law enforcement for the correct filings.

A car hits the rear of your car and runs but the owner of the vehicle calls the police and says a friend was driving his car and got hit and the person ran the owner says his insurance will not pay?

Hopefully a police report was filed at the scene of the accident where you were allegedly hit. (?) Ask to see the owners police report of the accident where they claim you hit them. Always have a police report when any accident occurs - even if the car got a tiny itty bitty ding. An accident is an accident, and to protect your rights, you need to call the police and have that police report filed. If none of that exists, then it becomes your word against another persons and can only be solved in a courtroom. In normal situations, the vehicles owner is held liable for the actions of anyone who drives their car.

Do you need a police report to file a claim?

You do not always need a police report to file a claim.

Failure to report an accident?

You really only need to report an accident if you expect any compensation.

What laws do police need to follow when filing a police report?

the report has to be truthful