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Q: Do you get a ticket for backing into someone?
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How much is a unsafe backing ticket in Utah?

i found out its $112

When someone backs into you while pulling into a spot on a private property and does not get a ticket whose insurance will pay for the damage on the vehicle pulling in?

Based on your description the car that backed into the other car should pay for the damages. You can't get a ticket for backing into someone's car unless they were either drunk or had no license, both instances in which police should be summoned.

Backing into driveway hit car backing out of same driveway?

BOTH drivers are at fault for backing without caution. If the accident occurred in a driveway on private property, no ticket was probably issued. Turn it over to your insurance companies.

Can you fight an improper backing ticket?

Yes, you can fight an improper backing ticket by gathering evidence such as photos or witness statements to show that the circumstances were not as described in the ticket. You may need to appear in court or follow the instructions on the ticket to challenge it through the proper channels. Consulting with a traffic attorney may also help improve your chances of successfully disputing the ticket.

Who is at fault when someone who is backing out of a parking lot space hits your side?

The person backing out. If you were in the lane/road behind them they needed to use caution when backing out.

If someone buys me a plane ticket who's name is on the ticket?

then the ticket isn't for you and you steal someone identity and ticket an apologize to the person today immediately

Has someone bought a plane ticket with my card?

Has someone used my card to purchase a plane ticket?

What is another word for backing someone up?

stand up for them

How would you know someone is backing up rather then braking?

If they were backing up, they would be going backwards... If they were braking, they wouldn't be going anywhere......

Has someone won the Justin Bieber golden ticket contest?

Someone won the Wii Ticket but the oother ones are still out there!

Can you get a ticket if someone records you speeding?

Yes, you can receive a ticket if someone records you speeding, as the evidence can be used to prove the violation.

Who is at fault in Washington state where a vehicle is backing out and is almost completely out when another car hit the car backing?

Fault here would likely be shared. On the one hand, the driver backing really has no legal right to the lane they are backing into - you cannot cut someone off while you are backing up. But it seems you have described a situation in which the individual backing was well into the backing process when someone came along, from quite a distance, and hit them. Hence the driver in the lane already probably had the last clear chance to avoid the accident but chose not to and would hence bear the majority of the fault.