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Do it when the car is cold if the radiator is hot fluid may be forced out when you take off the cap.

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Q: Do you check radiator fluid when car hot or cold?
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Sounds like you have radiator trouble. Have you checked the fluid level in the radiator?

Should the car be cold or Hot to Check antifreeze?

cold. If you open the radiator when the car is hot, it can spray all over the place.

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Why does the temperature drop cold while you drive your 1998 Chevy Cavalier?

for the heater just to cut out from hot to cold then kinda heat up again slighty then drop again would be lack of antifreeze and water in the radiator. check that first. . check it... when it the car is cold open the radiator cap and look inside for fluid usually greenish in cool. if no fluid add a 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze to fill. check fluid levels again the next day ....there may be a possible leak.

How do you fix your car if it is leaking antifreeze and transmission fluid?

check your radiator hoses and change gaskets

How do you add antifreeze to a car?

Open the radiator cap when the engine is cool, check the radiator's fluid level, and add appropriately. NEVER OPEN A RADIATOR CAP WHEN THE ENGINE IS HOT OR OVERHEATING. Check your car's owner's manual for specific details.

Why is your radiator still cold after a long car ride?

You have to check the motor thermostat. Replace it, and you will be warm again.

What is a heat core and could that cause my 96 Grand Prix SE to leak radiator fluid?

The heater core is a radiator in the car, warmed with coolant from the engine. When you put the Air-con on hot, and turn the fan on, the air is blown over it to warm the air (and you in the car) up. As it contains radiator fluid, it can cause the level to drop if it leaks. Check the carpets in the car to see if they are wet with radiator fluid, or to see if the car leaves a puddle of fluid coming out of the air con condensation drain.

When you cut your car off a boiling sound is coming from top radiator hose?

Check fluid level WHEN IT cools off.

How do you check transmission dipstick eclipse?

If your car running less then 10 minutes then it's considered a car with cold transmission fluid (fluid should be in the region of cold level marks, but not lower), if more then 10 minutes then it's hot (fluid should be in the region of hot level marks, but not higher). When you check transmission fluid level your car should be running.

How you check transmission fluid on a ford focus zx3 car running or not?

It will tell you on the stick, either "check hot" or "check cold", running or not.

Why is my Car overheating but no loss of fluid?

check the fins on your radiator they could be corroded and loose decreasing your radiator s ability to cool the engine or the thermostat could be defective also