The level of coverage generally depends on your insurance companies. Most quality insurance companies will cover you in the company car, however.
You are required by law to have liabilty coverage, but not collision coverage. If you did not have collision coverage then you are not due any compensation by your insurance company. If you did have collision insurance and the insurance company will not pay, then you may be able to sue the insurance company, but you cannot sue the state.
Hi, It depends on what type of insurance you had. Liability, full coverage...etc...Call your insurance company and find out.
I know of no insurance company in any U.S. sate that will give you full coverage on a salvaged vehicle.
It depends on what company you have insurance with, where you live, and how much coverage you have been paying for. I have The Hartford Insurance. I was in one, I was at fault and they paid for repairs on the other guy's car and my car. It all depends on how much coverage you pay for in your premiums. Yes.
No you'd have to file your loss notice with the company that insures your car or your medical insurance policy. Homeowners Insurance policies provide no coverage for the automobiles.
"Titan Insurance only deal with car insurance, however there is variation among the types of car insurance. Titan provides personal car insurance, commercial insurance (for your work/company vehicle or fleet of vehicles for your company), as well as coverage for Mexico because most insurance company coverage for autos does not extend past US borders."
No insurance coverage means "don't drive the car". I would say that if your girlfriend has insurance coverage on the car and she allows you to drive there would not be a problem. This is unless you had been formally excluded from coverage by her insurance company.
No fault car insurance is coverage designed to compensate victims of car accidents via their own insurance company, regardless of which driver was in fault.
I believe motorcycle insurance has it's own UIM and is separate from car insurance.
In Car insurance, the First Party coverage part covers damage to your own vehicle, whereas with Third Party coverage, when a pedestrian get hit by your car (incurring death or permanent disability), the loss will be compensated by the Insurance Company.
There are different coverages under an auto insurance policy like the liablity coverage,-(PPI) comprehensive coverage and collision. You switched the insurance and so the new car has only the coverage which you had opted for in your old car which might have been only the liablity - mandatory coverage. Thus technically you had insuracne coverage sufficent to abide to your state rules but your car was not covered for own damges of comprehnsive damage to the car. Hence the insurance company is saying that you do not have coverage. Please check your insurance coverage when you buy a new car and upgrade the same.