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The state of Georgia, like all other states, requires that all drivers carry no less than minimum coverage, which is detailed here: Georgia does not require Under Insured Motorist coverage:

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Q: Do Georgia car insurance laws mandate under insured driver insurance?
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Can an insured driver still sue me after his car was fixed by his insurance?

It is more likely you will be sued by the insured driver's insurance company. Just because the other driver had insurance, that does not exonerate you from having to pay damages if you are liable.

If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

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If a car is insured in the state of Georgia under someone your boyfriend knows then can you drive the car if you aren't on the insurance?

Usually the insurance on the vehicle covers any driver who has the permission of the owner of the vehicle to drive the car.

If an insured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will the driver or the owner be responsible for payments?

the owner of the car with insurance will be responsible

If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. So as long as the automobile is insured, so is the driver. Just make sure the driver has a valid driver's license.

If an insured truck driver from another state hits an uninsured motorist will the insured truck driver's insurance pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Only if the truck driver was at fault.

Is the car insured or the drivers?

You cannot get driver insurance unless you have a car.

How do you get car insurance with a learners permit?

You must either have a driver's license or be insured under a licensed driver's insurance. If you are a minor, your parents can add you to their car insurance.

What happens if an uninsured driver borrows your insured car and gets in an accident?

Depends on the state laws. Typically driver insurance coverage is extended to any driver of the vehicle insured. Insurance covers the vehicle and any legally licensed driver with permission to operate the vehicle.

What is the responsibility of a non-insured driver when involved in an automotive collision?

A non insured driver may be held liable for the accident. Insurance is a requirement in the majority of states.