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So now ya don't even try to ask da question, we also need to find da question?

Maybe the cooling is caused by a decrease of the temperature, who knows.

Is that in °C or °F? may help to answer.

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Q: Cooling caused by a wet blanket e?
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What does E mean on a sealy heated blanket?

"E" stands for "error" on the Sealy electric blanket control. It might be time to get a new blanket.

How do you spell blanket in french?

Blanket (bedcover) : une couverture (fem.) blanket (general, as in a blanket amnisty): général(e) = une amnistie générale

What does E mean on the control for electric blanket?

It means "energy saver" as in it doesn't use electricity but its own heat to conserve itsself.

Do the words nest and blanket have a short e sound?

Yes, both the words "nest" and "blanket" have a short e sound in their pronunciation.

What has the author Ronald E West written?

Ronald E West has written: 'Field investigation of cooling tower and cooling pond plumes' -- subject- s -: Cooling ponds, Plumes - Fluid dynamics -, Cooling towers

Does blanket have a long or short vowel sound?

Blanket has two short vowel sounds. The A has a short A sound and the E has a short I sound (blang-kit).

How many vowels are in the word wet?

There is only one vowel (the letter e), in the word wet.

Can the blanket be returned to the store because of the E error?

Most stores have fairly lenient return policies, especially if you have the receipt. In my experience, the E error occurs when the cord is no longer completely connected to the blanket. Make sure that all of the connections are secure. Then, turn your blanket off and back on again. This should fix your problem.

How do you say wet in French?


Can genuine pigs get a wet tail?

Guinea pigs don't have visible tails. They have tail vertebrae (inside their skin), so in the strictest sense, no they can't get wet tail. But "wet tail" usually means diarrhea, and guinea pigs CAN get diarrhea.guinea pigs cant get the condition known as wet tail as far as i am aware, it only effects Hamsters and is caused by Lawsonia Intracellularis and E. Coli. diarrhoea is an affliction which affects guinea pigs, however

How do you spell the word blanket?

B l a n k e t really?! wow you spelled it right.. Why the f***k r u asking this if ur spelled it right?

How do you say in French are you wet?

es-tu mouillé(e)