one reason this may happen is as simple as the cap on your cars coolant reservoir is stripped or improperly screwed on. when this happens it doesn't allow pressure to build or hold.
The overflow tank is either cracked or its overheating and leaking from the cap
If you mean engine coolant is getting into the car, the heater core is leaking coolant causing the coolant level to drop and that causes the engine to over heat.
If by water you mean engine coolant, yes. Loss of coolant, antifreeze, is a major cause of overheating.
If it is leaking trans fluid into the coolant it can cause overheating.
1) Your engine is overheating and the coolant is boiling. Or 2) Exhaust is leaking into the coolant, probably through a bad head gasket or cracked head.
you are most likely leaking coolant and if your car should be overheating in a short period of time.
Run a pressure test on it.
If you have lost a sufficient amount of coolant this will stop the heater working because there will be no hot water in the heater rad.
there might be a leak some where in a coolant line. or maybe you have a leak in your radiator.
My car is is running hot and smoking... i discovered the coolant was low i added new coolant and its pouring out the bottom of my car My car is is running hot and smoking... i discovered the coolant was low i added new coolant and its pouring out the bottom of my car
If coolant is leaking from a car it means that your radiator has a hole in it. If this is not fixed the car will over heat.
Sounds like you have a coolant leak. When cold, put a pressure tester (hand pump with fitting to the radiator neck) and see if you can see any coolant leaking. Once found, fix the leak.