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As long as the sun is blue and outside it is cloudy with a chance of minivans!

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Q: Can your insurance agent add people to your policy without your approval?
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If a crooked funeral home withholds your insurance policy where you are the main beneficiary and signs your name and buries your loved one without your approval what can you do?

Signing your name to a policy without your permission is insurance fraud. Start with the insurance company who should then pay the benefits to you and take action to recover the funds from the funeral home. From there you can contact the regulatory agency that governs funeral home as well as the DA in your county.

Can you choose how much coverage you want for homeowners insurance or does the insurance company have the right to drastically increase your coverage without your approval?

It is unlawful to intentionally under insure your home. Your insurance company is required to review your homeowners policy regularly to insure that you are properly insured and that your homeowners policy is in compliance with the law as well as the terms of any associated mortgage note.

How can you check the status of a transferred policy without the policy number?

You cannot. Policy number is mandatory for any formal transactions pertaining to an insurance policy. How would the insurance company know which policy you are referring to without the policy number? Talk to the insurance agent who helped you with the transfer. He should have a record of the transaction and the policy number as well.

Can an unmarried couple with children cancel auto insurance on the other?

Yes, they can cancel all insurance on each other that the other is paying for. This can only happen if the insurance policy was created with both people as either primary or secondary policy holders. A person cannot just call or contact an insurance company and cancel their insurance without being on the policy.

Can someone be removed from a homeowners insurance policy without their consent?

The policy owner, usually the Primary named insured, can add or remove people and coverages from the policy they purchased as their coverage requirements change.

How can Surrender postal life insurance policy in India?

Surrendering a Postal life insurance policy in India requires going into the Post with adequate documentation. After a suitable waiting period it is necessary to present the case to a magistrate for full approval.

Detox center that will accept health insurance?

It is up to the health insurance policy and provider contracts that determine which detox center a person can go to. You have to call the insurance company to get placed in one and get approval for treatment.

Can you change the deductible and cap amounts on your health insurance policy without changing policy number?

Probably. Check with your specific insurance company.

What is the cash value in an insurance policy mean?

The cash value is the amount of money your insurance policy is worth to the owner of the policy if the insurance is cancelled and the policy terminated. The insurance company will mail a check to the to the policy owner upon policy termination or cancellation by request of the owner. I would strongly encourage you to consult a professional in your area before cancelling an existing policy. There may be other options and alternatives to access the value of the policy without cancelling the insurance policy.

What kind of policy is Endowment Insurance Policy?

Endowment Insurance policy is life insurance. Life insurance is very important to have, especially if you have a family or kids. If anything should happen to you, you would want to know that your family could live comfortably without your income.

Do you have to carry insurance with a learner's permit?

I would not drive a car without an insurance policy on it as you could be cited.

Can you get car insurance without owning a car?

Yes, You can look around for a Non-Owners Insurance Policy