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Yes, you can transfer the registration from one vehicle to another but you have to go through the DMV and pay a small fee.

In countries outside the USA i.e. Uk you will have to inform the DVLA of the change of use and also your insurance company as the vehicles there are tracked by government agencies on motor ways and speed camera areas. Cars that have differing details logged against them in the DVLA database and are scanned on the highway will have the vehicle stopped and in some cases impounded

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Q: Can you use your license plate on another car you own?
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Does license plate stay on car when sold?

The license plate is yours and does not stay on the car when it is sold. Sometimes sellers allow the buyer to use the plate to drive home, but in general you should bring your own license plate for used car sales.

Car registration how long does it last?

Usually the license plate lasts as long as you own the car, or transfer it to another car. The registration of the plate is usually renewed yearly and you will add the sticker to the license plate. You risk impoundment if you do not keep this up to date -- keep your address up to date and you will regularly receive notification.

Could you inform me about how to find license plate number?

If you lose a license plate or plates and need the license plate number, you can look up your license plate number even if you no longer physically have your own.

How can I make my own license plate?

To make your own license plate, you can purchase a blank license plate online or at a local store. Then, use paint or markers to customize it with your desired design or message. Be sure to follow any local laws and regulations regarding license plate customization.

Can you scrap your vehicle and retain the number plate?

Yes you can. You have the right to keep the license plate off your own car. Some states allow you to transfer your plates between vehicles. But the 2 vehicles need to be the same, You can't transfer a plate from a pickup truck to a car. But you can go from car to car and truck to truck. In addition: The answer to this question depends on which state the vehicle is licensed in. In some states, the license belongs to the vehicle owner and, depending on the state's law, may be transferred to another vehicle. In other states, the license stays on the vehicle, even when the vehicle is sold or scrapped.

Can you get a car tag for your written off vehicle?

If you have written the car off, you have transferred ownership to another person. You, as the previous own have no need for a license plate tag so you cannot obtain one. The question is, why would you want one? Possibly to use on a car that it does not belong on?

What should I do with the license plates when donating a car?

When donating a car, you should remove the license plates and return them to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or transfer them to another vehicle you own.

Do you need a California license to own a California car - can you do title transfer with an out-of-state license?

You can own a car without having a drivers license.

Does a 97 Camry have a front license plate mount?

yes, i own a 1997 Camry xle and it has a front license plate mount.

Where do you print out a tempory license plate?

You cannot print our your own temporary license plate. You must acquire one from a dealer or the DMV.

Could a new car without a license plate get a red light camera ticket?

A vehicle on public property needs a license. If you have it parked on your own property, it does not have to be licensed.

Does a license plate need to have numbers?

In the US, where each state has its own plate number format, all license plates are alpha-numerical.