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Q: Can you use granite cleaner on porcelain tile?
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What is the best cleaner for porcelain tile?

With porcelain tile you want to use a mild cleaner. Your local tile store should be able to help you choose an excellent tile cleaner. Stone Tech and Miracle Sealants make some decent tile cleaners.

What kind of cleaner is used on porcelain tile floors?

Porcelain is GLASS you can use whatever suits your are not going to hurt the tile... anything from Axax to Mr Clean & Pinesol can work

Can I use vinegar and water to clean porcelain floor plank tile?

Can I use water & vinegar to clean porcelain plank floor tile

What is the best adhesive to use for installing porcelain tile?

The best adhesive to use for installing porcelain tile is a modified thin-set mortar.

How do you attach artwork to porcelain tile?

Use silicone .

What cleans porous porcelain tile?

It depends on whether the tile is glazed or unglazed and what you are trying to clean off. If you are trying to clean a liquid that had seeped into the tile you may be out of luck. It may be permanently stained. If you are trying to do routine maintenance you can use a mop and warm water with a mild tile cleaner.

Can use sealer for porcelain tile?

Porcelain is usually sealed already. You then add sealer to the grout.

What adhesive do you use for a 20 x 20 inch porcelain tile?

Thinset tile cement.

How can I effectively cut porcelain tile by hand?

To effectively cut porcelain tile by hand, you can use a tile cutter or a tile nipper. Score the tile with a tile cutter, then snap it along the scored line. For curved cuts, use a tile nipper to gradually chip away small pieces until the desired shape is achieved. Remember to wear safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself while cutting porcelain tile by hand.

Can you use acetone to strip wax off tile floors?

If you are talking about ceramic or porcelain tiles then yes. Granite tile and counters can also be cleaned using acetone. For softer stones like marble and travertine I would recommend using petrochemicals.

What adhesive do you use for porcelain tile to hardieboard?

White thinset

How can I effectively repair a porcelain tile chip?

To effectively repair a porcelain tile chip, you can use a porcelain repair kit that includes epoxy or filler specifically designed for porcelain. Clean the area, apply the filler, and let it dry before sanding and polishing the repaired spot to match the rest of the tile.