Yes. You can sue for whatever you feel is appropriate and worth the attorney fees. It will be up to the judge (or jury, if you get one) to decide the outcome.
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If you're un-injured. . . sue for WHAT? In the US ANYONE can sue ANYBODY for ANYTHING. The question really is, do you have any chance of prevailing?
If friend negligently caused the accident, yes.
you can't sue him if he had your permission to drive car. you need to collect from your insurance company. if you don't have insurance - you're outta luck.
Sue the owner of the car, since the owner was likely required to carry insurance as part of the financing deal.
Your insurance may go up it may not, also sue for allot of money!!!
if they are dumb enough to tell you their real name sue sue sue sue sue sue
Some would sue someone else if there was a wrong or harm done to them and they wanted to get back their damages in some form. For example, if someone smashed a man's car, he might sue them for the money needed to repair his car.
You should go post your question on - probably a lawyer will help you answer this or take your case!
Sure, you can sue someone for just about anything. The question is, should you sue them? Were you injured? Was it an accident or was it malicious? If you feel you need to sue then contact a lawyer.
YES, the contract is what they sue for unless the car is listed as COLLATERAL for the loan. Then they repo the car and sue ya.
you tbag them no need for sueing