Some would sue someone else if there was a wrong or harm done to them and they wanted to get back their damages in some form. For example, if someone smashed a man's car, he might sue them for the money needed to repair his car.
u sue them, what else?
The same way you would sue anyone else.
No, well they can, but the owner of the trademark can sue them for damages.
Find out who has the horse and sue them if they did something wrong .O
Usually one cannot sue their own company if the accident was a fault of their own. If someone else hit you and caused you to hit the pole, the other person's insurance would be liable.
Unless you had a signed agreement that the money would be repaid, there is no requirement for them to do so.
If they gave it to you, what would you sue them for? If they sold it to you, you can ask for your money back.
Who would you sue...Mother Nature? It's just one of nature's issues, so there isn't someone or something you can sue for it. The answer is no.
if someone died and has a car how can you find out who it is titled to
Yes you can but you would have to have evidence of it. But I suggest you do not sue them because you wouldn't gain anything, and their dog would be euthanized and that is awful.
can you sue someone over 18 for assaulting a minor
In todays society you probably can. BUT! If you got sued every time you have inconvienced someone else or made a mistake, then you would be poor. If you sue over a piece of cardboard in your salad then you are a person of contempt. Talk to the manager about it and they may give you a discount on your meal. Sue? No I wouldn't waste my time or the courts time.