Not if she is listed as part owner of the vehicle.
It depends on the court's ruling.
While there might be a state law somewhere that allows it, I would be surprised. A separation does not remove the duty of each spouse to support the other. If the employee has the insurance befre the separation, he will have to keep it until a divorce, remarriage after divorce, she obtains her own insurance or a court orders otherwise.
That would not be a very nice thing to do, what you should do is write to your spouse and the insurance company, point out that you are now separated and indicating that you will no longer be paying for your spouses insurance after a fixed date in the future. This informs the insurance company of your intentions and allows your ex spouse to arrange their own health insurance.
This depends on what state you are in. In California, no matter if it is not in your spouse's name, everything gets separated 50/50.
If she is still being carried on his insurance as his spouse then she has insurance.
yes they can
spouse did not know name was on policy or that the other name was removed without knowledge
That depends a great deal on the situation. There may be an insurance clause that would apply. Typically the estate must resolve the debts first.
Excluded drivers are "NOT" covered on that policy. That's the point of excluding them from coverage. This is insurance fraud and they will not pay.
If the separated spouse is still legally married to the debtor spouse and/or co-signed the original obligation while married, yes.
This depends on the state laws, and the insurance company. Contact either your states dept of insurance or the carrier you are insured with.