The insurance companies I have dealt with always ask plainly who the regular drivers are. If you register yourself as the only driver and your spouse drives, the insurance company would not have to pay up if he or she has an accident. Read your policy carefully and contact your agent if you are not sure what the policy says.
Failing to schedule a regular driver is a well known type of Insurance Fraud. Any accident your spouse has would not be covered under your fraudulently obtained policy. Your spouse would basically be driving uninsured which is illegal, You would be comitting Insurance fraud, again illegal with a penalty in the U.S. of up to 20 years imprisonment.
Happy Motoring
In general, all rental companies charge for the 2nd driver or spouse. As the renter, you receive no additional benefit from this fee. If you have another car with insurance, it's very likely that your own insurance policy will cover both you and your spouse without purchasing extra insurance or additional driver coverage from the rental company. *Check with your own insurance company to be certain.
Some companies will charge you for listing extra drivers. In general, all rental companies charge for the 2nd driver or spouse. As the renter, you receive no additional benefit from this fee. If you have another car with insurance, it's very likely that your own insurance policy will cover both you and your spouse without purchasing extra insurance or additional driver coverage from the rental company. *Check with your own insurance company to be certain
If both you and your spouse have full medical coverage then the insurance compnay will revert back to your and your spouse's date of birth. Whoever's birthdate is first in a calendar year, then that is the primary insurance. For example, if your birthday is November 1, but your spouse's birthday is February 12, then your spouses insurance is primary for both of you.
One can purchase auto insurance for farm vehicles from many insurance company's. For instance, Farmers Insurance and State Farm both offer auto insurance for farm vehicles.
Yes. motorcycle or bike insurance is different from car insurance. Motorcycle insurance can be used for bikes or motorcycles only, whereas car insurance can only be valid for cars. Thus, in case you have both the vehicles, under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, you have to buy the insurance for both your vehicles(car and bike) separately.
Insurance can be expensive. It is more expensive to purchase insurance for a Honda motorbike because this vehicle will be driven on the roads with vehicles. The risk of injury is higher for both the motorbike driver and other drivers on the road.
the spouse should take the advantage of her husband. And she should not be strained and she should take rest.
No. Liability insurance follows the vehicle so the person who owns the vehicle you are borrowing needs to make sure that they have insurance and also needs to add you as a driver on his or her policy. You also need to make sure that this is done because if you drive the vehicle and get stopped you will get the ticket for driving without insurance. If you have an accident and are not added as a driver his or her insurance company may deny the coverage for material misrepresentation and guess who will be sued by the person you hit? Both of you will be sued and both will be responsible. Insurance companies to do not like vehicles to be loaned to unknown drivers.
Each could be ticketed. The driver for no insurance, and the owner for allowing unlawful operation. In the UK both are equally responsible for 'using a motor vehicle on a road without insurance' and both will be prosecuted.
You should both be insured. If you each carry insurance on the other (say at work), then you will be paying the premiums of course, but one will always be primary.
this is a common question. it really depends on the company you are referring to. most major carriers require both spouses to be on the policy with the exception for the following reasons: 1-spouse not licensed 2-spouse cannot drive for medical reasons 3-spouse lives out of the country some companies will let you exclude your spouse from the policy. this means that he/she is listed and acknowledged as a licensed driver in your household but does not drive your vehicle. if you have your spouse excluded from your policy and they get in an at-fault accident in your vehicle there will not be coverage. usually it is cheaper to be rated as married on the auto insurance policy so you may want to get a quote for that. also, you should get the multiple vehicle discount.