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Well, when you get an high priced or classic vehicle insured, the insurance company will usually ask for an appraisal or inspection anyways...Which at the time of loss there adjusters will still come up with a value they think the vehicle is worth.

Certainly and is very adviseable if there is a significant difference. Many adjusters will offer a "low-ball" figure and refuse to take into consideration the condition of the vehicle before the wreck.

They know that your only option is to file suit and that will cost you attorney fees. Look in the newspaper and local auto trader magazines for an equal vehicle. then forward the appraisal and similar ads to the adjuster.

If he still fails to make a reasonable offer contact your local state insurance office or attorney general to see if you may have a "bad faith" claim.

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Q: Can you pay for an appraiser after a car wreck to appraise the value of your car 'prior to the wreck' so as to get more money from the insurance company as the car's value is significantly higher?
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