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Yes you can depending on what kind of changes you are looking to make. The benefit of UL is it's flexibility. One of the most common is to change the Cash accumulation from B to A which can lower your premiums. The bottom line is, what kind of changes do you wish to make? Contact your agent or myself. 4lifeguild

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Q: Can you make changes on an adjustable life insurance policy without replacing it?
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No, they must inform you of changes to the insurance contract. However, if they sent notice, they will usually have file information on when and where sent.

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No. For the most part, any type of adjustable life insurance is usually some type of a permanent plan. Permanent Life Insurance has the cash buildup to provide the ability to purchase additional coverage, known as paid up additions. The only thing that is usually flexible about term life insurance is that you can reduce the face amount if you do not feel that you need that much coverage. There may be a very select few that give you an option to purchase more coverage down the line without underwriting, but they definitely are not the norm.

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Without insurance, replacing a windshield will likely cost anywhere from a few hundred to around one thousand dollars, depending upon the model. If you have insurance, you will have to pay your deductible, which may be as much as the full cost of the windshield. In certain states, however, insurance companies are required to fully cover this kind of repair, so long as you have a comprehensive policy. It is worth investigating the details with your insurance provider.

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Who knows. Even if they do, you have no insurance coverage and they have wasted their money. The insurance company can not and will not pay any claims arising out of any incidents with a vehicle that does not belong to to the policyholder. Purchase your own insurance. It is a legally binding contract in which you state that you own the vehicle and that you have listed all household members and/or drivers and that you agree to notify the insurance carrier of any changes to such.

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NO! You would be a fool to drive without insurance.

Can I just replace the wheel bearing without replacing the hub?

No, you typically cannot replace the wheel bearing without also replacing the hub, as they are often integrated components.

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depending on the state you live in you COULD get insurance without owning a CAR. Ask your insurance professional about it.

Can you use a scope effectively without glasses if you are near sighted?

Yes. Scope has adjustable focus.