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Who knows. Even if they do, you have no insurance coverage and they have wasted their money. The insurance company can not and will not pay any claims arising out of any incidents with a vehicle that does not belong to to the policyholder. Purchase your own insurance. It is a legally binding contract in which you state that you own the vehicle and that you have listed all household members and/or drivers and that you agree to notify the insurance carrier of any changes to such.

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Q: Can someone put your car on their insurance policy without your permission and without you being listed as a driver?
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Will auto insurance cover a vehicle if an underage driver took it without permission and wrecked it?

If you are willing to charge this driver with auto theft it probably will. If not, the insurance company will assume you are giving him permission after the fact.

If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

If someone drove your car without permission or a valid driver's license and hit another car and totaled your car will the insurance company cover it?

Yes, in most cases, but have mercy on the person that took your car. The insurance company will go after them

Unlicensd teenage friend drove our car without permission and hit a tree. Will insurance cover this?

No way! The insurance certificate specifies who may drive. It will not include unlicensed drivers! Even a licensed driver, but driving without the owner's permission will not be covered by the car owner's insurance.

Will AARP cover a minor accident if someone else was driving your car?

ANY driver with permission to drive that car by the owner is covered under that car's insurance policy. Insurance goes with the car...not the driver.

How can I type permission to drive car?

Why would you need to give someone written permission to drive? You would first have to add the person to your insurance as a driver. Giving them written permission doesn't change this requirement.

Is your insurance provider notified and will your insurance cover the damages when an unlicensed driver takes your vehicle without permission and is involved in an accident?

The answer should be yes to both parts of the question. You should notify them.

Can an insurance company put someone on your insurance without your permission?

Technically yes and no. While they can't actually add the driver, they can rate the insurance coverage as if that person would be driving a vehicle. For example, if you had a child who had just gotten their license, and you named them as an excluded driver of your vehicle, yet they somehow managed to get into a small wreck and have to file a claim, your insurance carrier would likely deny the claim on the basis that the driver was excluded, as well as rate your policy as if they were going to be driving the vehicle, without actually adding them. Moral of the story... don't lie to your insurance company.

In Ohio if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your car without permission and hits a car and you have insurance are you responsible?

I sense that this person driving your car without permission is a resident of your household. Without a police report of the theft of your vehicle then the person driving your car, especially if they are a resident of your household and reasonably knew where to find the keys, would have presumptive permission to use the car and your insurance will have to pay.

Will your insurance cover an accident if someone else was driving your car with a revoked license?

Barring any exclusions in your policy if the driver had your permission to drive they will be considered an insured driver thus afforded coverage.

When you do not have any insurance AND the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident who is responsible of the other parties damages?

You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!

Is an unlicensed driver crashes a vehicle that is insured what happens?

Technically, the insurance company should cover the costs of the other vehicle. If the unlicensed driver took the vehicle without permission, the owner may even be able to collect on the collision insurance to cover part of their expenses, but if he/she does that he/she will probably have to show a police report that the unlicensed driver took the vehicle without permission and that it was technically, automobile theft. On the other hand, the insurance costs for the owner may to up dramatically whether the owner gave permission or not. It all depends on the insurance company and how they view the circumstances. The unlicensed driver may not be allowed to get a drivers license for several years, depending on state laws.