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Not automatically NO. It depends on why you are lending her your vehicle. If your sister already has Full coverage or liability insurance and you are loaning her your car temporarily while her vehicle is repaired, undriveable etc. Then your sisters insurance policy will automatically cover a temporary replacement vehicle with the same coverage she has on her own vehicle, whatever that may be.

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Q: Can you lend your vehicle to your sister and transfer liability to her insurance company?
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What if someone hits you and its not his car and there are no insurance on the vehicle?

His liability insurance on his car should transfer to the vehicle that he is driving.

Can you sign a waiver stating that your auto insurance will be responsible for you while you are a passenger in a company vehicle and do you need the permission of your insurance company to do that?

If you have liability insurance your insurance should cover you while driving another vehicle with permission of the owner. The problem with a company truck is the limit of liability you might have to have.

What can you do if your car was stolen and you only have liability?

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do with your insurance company. If you only have liability insurance, they do not pay anything to have your vehicle replaced.

Will insurance cover on a company vehicle?

If your question concerns liability insurance, ordinarily, liability insurance on a company vehicle will apply to you if you are endorsed as an authorized driver of the car and if you are driving it on a company mission.

If a vehicle is stolen and is only covered by PLPD will the insurance company pay for the loss?

You must have comprehensive coverage in order to recover on a claim from your insurance company if your vehicle is stolen. Liability only is just that, liability for your legal liability for damage or injuries to others.

Is it legal for an insurance company to let you get liability insurance on a vehicle that has a lien holder on it?

Certainly, liability insurance has nothing to do with who owns the vehicle. It deals with protecting the owner of the vehicle if sued as a result of an accident. Collision and theft protect the owner of the vehicle from loss.

What can be done with a totaled vehicle under lien and only liability insurance?

If the accident is your fault, your insurance company is not going to pay out anything. If it is the other person's fault, the other insurance company will be liable.

What is vehicle liability insurance?

Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.

What is the advantage to having liability insurance on older vehicles?

It does not matter how old your vehicles is. Liability insurance is for your protection and I believe mandatory. If you are at fault that is where your insurance company will pay for the damages and injuries you caused to another person or vehicle. J

Does your full coverage auto insurance cover vehicle in tow as well?

The vehicle being towed has to have physical damage coverage itself in order to be covered for damage. A vehicle towing another vehicle does transfer the liability insurance to the trailer or object it is legally towing but the physical damage done to the object being towed does not transfer.

Can you get auto insurance if you do not own a car?

Yes you can, it's called a named non-owned policy. It covers you to drive a vehicle you do not own, and it only covers you to drive a vehicle that does not have insurance. If you borrow a friends car and have a name non-woned vehicle and have an accident, the insurance follows the vehicle, so their insurance will pay. That company may subrogate and come after you then it would be up to your insurance company to decide if they'd accept liability.

What is liability insurance?

Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.