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You may be able to declare that you are common law married and as long as both of you are listed as named insureds on the policy you can insure vehicles just as if you had said your I do's for real.

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Q: Can you insure a new car that is titled in your name under your girlfriend's policy if you live together?
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Can you insure a friend's vehicle so he can register it for plates if you will be the primary driver?

NO. The insurance policy has to be in the name of the titled owner.

If the car lien is in your grandmothers name can the car be covered on your insurance policy if you are the one driving the car?

No - you can not insure a vehicle that isn't titled to you.

Can you insure a car that is not mime and has no other insurance policy on it?

You cannot insure a vehicle that is not yours. Whether or not it has current insurance on it does not matter but the fact that it is not titled to you does make a serious difference. An insurance application together with the policy make up a legal and binding contract and it states in the policy that you must own the vehicle or have an insurable interest. In a situation where you lease the vehicle does give you insurable interest and allows you to insure a leased vehicle even though it is titled to the name of the bank or finance company who leases it to you. In one example where a problem would arise lets say that you have physical damage coverage on a policy and it a tree thereby causing a total loss to the vehicle. The insurance company cannot legally pay you for the vehicle because it is not titled to you and they cannot pay the bank or finance company because they do not have an insurance contract with then to insure the vehicle. This is just one example.

Can you insure your car if you are a minor?

Most companies will not allow a minor to purchase an auto policy because they are not a legal adult and an insurance application and policy together make up a legally binding contract. This is also why a vehicle should not be listed as the titled owner of a vehicle. They cannot legally sign documents to purchase or sale a vehicle.

Can you insure a car titled to your son Or will it have to be in the parents name He will be listed as principle driver of the car on the parents policy Would this effect an accident claim?

The vehicle must be insured by the person whose name appears on the title. Only the person who holds the title/deed to property has insurable interest in said property, thus they are the only ones who can take out an insurance policy to protect it. If the parents wish to insure the vehicle on their policy, they must have the vehicle re-titled in their name and add the vehicle to their policy. Their son may be added to the policy as the vehicle's principal operator.

Can I insure a car regesterd to my daughter under my policy?

In Mississippi your daughter has to live in your household and have car titled at your address to be on your policy and you also have to be on title. If she owes anything your name only need be added to title and not loan so that you are not financially responsible.

Can you insure a car not titled to you?

Nah, you really can't. If it were okay to insure a car not titled to me I'd put insurance on Jeff Gordon's NASCAR and get paid every Sunday during NASCAR season.

Can your boyfriend be covered under your car insurance?

This can be a complicated question. Your boyfriend can and should be listed on your policy as a driver if he lives with you or if he drives your vehicle even just sometimes. A vehicle titled to him cannot be added to your insurance policy under any circumstances and this is because you cannot insure a vehicle you do not own. Even if you live together you must still have separate insurance policies if you each own your own vehicle. If you live together or drive each others vehicle each of you should still be listed as drivers on the others policy.

Is there a difference between who owns a boat and who it is insured to?

Yes. Most companies will not insure an individual with a boat or any property if there is not a financial interest between the property & the insured. More specifically, it has to be titled and/or registered to the listed insured on the policy.

Do you have to be the owner of a car to get auto insurance?

Yes. Normally you have to own a vehicle to insure it. You cannot purchase insurance on a vehicle that you do not own with a few exceptions. The exceptions deal with a family household situation. Vehicles titled to a husband or wife may be insured on the policy of either one and the same thing applies to children living in the home as a car titled in an adult child's name may be added to the insurance policy of the parents.

Who insures car titled in some elses name?

You must have a financial (insurable) interest in a car in order to insure it. It works the same way with home insurance. You must own the home in order to insure it. Thus, whoever owns the car and has the title is the only person who can insure it.

Can you insure a car not titled in your name?

can you have insurance on a car if the title is not in your name? Generally, no. You don't have anything to insure (called insurable interest). The only time this is permitted is with spouses. The car's title may be in either name, but may be on the others insurance.