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Q: Can you insure a house if the owner is deceased?
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Can a renter insure the structure he lives in?

There is renters insurance, but it is on the items the renter has brought into the house/apartment. The owner has insurance on the building.

Can a house stay in a deceased person's insurance policy?

No, a house cannot stay in a deceased person's insurance policy. The policy typically ends upon the death of the policyholder, and the house would need to be insured under a new policy by the new owner or beneficiary.

Can I have the tire sent to the mechanic instead of my house?

You can have it sent to a mechanics but you may have to insure that the owner of that business knows that they are expecting a tire to be brought in to the shop.

Can you get homeowners insurance if the owner of the house is deceased?

Yes, The Heirs can buy the policy or the Estate executor can buy a home insurance policy.

How do you get liblity insurance on a borrowed car that no insurance?

You have to own a vehicle to insure it then you have to register it as the registered owner. So if you are borrowing a vehicle either the owner has to insure it or you have to buy it from them

Can someone insure a car if they are not the owner?

Yes, as long as the owner signs the insurance papers.

Can you insure a car that you are paying payments on until its paid for from a private owner who holds the title?

I would insure any car that I was driving or making payments on. If you are on the title then you are an owner.

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Do cats who have eaten a deceased owner get rehomed?

Generally cat don’t eat their owner.

Can i visit my deceased dad's house I am the naked owner and my stepmother has usafrux?

I am guessing that your dad's house is in Louisiana. I would suggest that you contact a probate attorney for a full explanation. Usufruct means that your stepmother has the right to use and enjoy the home until she is deceased. However, she cannot sell it. When she dies, you will have full rights to the home.

Can someone insure your car if the owner doesn't have a license?

Very doubtful.

Can owner be sued letting son insure and drive car?
