Not while still "totaled". Since everything is tracked by the VIN# you won't be able to insure a totaled vehicle until such time that it's made roadworthy and has a reconstructed title.
Only if you buy it.
Because the lender repossessed the car from where ever it was after being totaled.IF you had gotten the car back after it was totaled, it couldn't have been a repossession.
No, only if it has been totaled and has a rebuilt title.
A vehicle that has been totaled can be sold for scrap and parts through junk yards or scrap metal yards. Also there are several businesses that will pay a small amount of money to take the scrap from a totaled car.
No, since the car is no longer considered "your" property.
You cannot insure a vehicle that is not titled in your name. If you did and the car was totaled the insurance company would not pay you because you are not the owner of the car and they cannot pay the true owner because they do not have a legal contract of insurance with the company.
Not if you notify you local PVA that the car is totaled and not longer in service. You will pay taxes up to the day it was totaled.
I totaled my Mustang and was able to buy it back from the insurance company. They gave me the Blue-Book value less my $500 deductable. They would not insure it after I repaired it, I had to switch insurance carriers to get coverage.
The same as a purchased truck that has been wrecked. You will have been required to insure the vehicle. Contact the insurance company and file a claim. An adjustor will determine if the vehicle should be repaired or totaled.
That depends on how much damage has been done to the car.
The answer to this question is easy and is NO. You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own. This is very important. If you did this and totaled the vehicle, the insurance cannot pay you for the damages because you do not own the vehicle and they cannot pay your Uncle because he does not have a contract of insurance with the insurance company.
Home equity loan perhaps. No bank is going to finance a totaled car.