

Can you go to jail if you buy a stolen car?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Yes. Receiving stolen goods is a crime.

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Q: Can you go to jail if you buy a stolen car?
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You can go to jail for theft of a car.

Bought a car and stop paying for it over a year ago will you go to jail?

You cannot go to jail unless your are hiding the vehicle where the bank cant get it then they can report it stolen and if you still have you can go to jail.

Can you go to jail for buying stolen property?

yes, you can. its still stolen.

Can you get insurance after your car is stolen and it be covered?

If you try to get theft insurance after the car is stolen you will go to Jail! The insurance companies have no sense of humour about FRAUD! Penalty for Insurance Fraud in the U.S. is up to 20 years in prison.

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Go to jail for stealing car?

yes you can go to jail for stealing a car,

Can you go to jail for throwing a snowball at a car?

no you can't go to jail for throwing a snowball at a car.

Can you go to jail if you owe a bank for a car?

in nc, can you go to jail if you owe a bank for a car?

Can you get arrested for refusal to file a police report for something stolen?

No. But if you get your money stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your money back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your jewelry or furniture stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your jewelry or furniture back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your bike stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your bike back. The point is if you get something stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your stuff back. But they're not allowed to put you in jail for refusal to report a stolen car, bike, jewelry, money etc. You won't go to jail for refusal to report a stolen object, but whatever you got stolen, you won't get it back.

is car stolen?

You can check whether your car is stolen or not just by having a number plate. The not only car you can go for stolen motorbike check incase you need to know whether your bike is stolen or not before buying it.

Why does Gecko go to jail in The Juvie Three?

because one he was driving without a drivers licince oh and the fact that the car was stolen and that it was full of stolen things his brother and his friends stole like games from the game shop. oh and the car was an infinity m45. hope its useful:)

What happens if your a kid and you get caught using a stolen bank card?

you go to jail