Normally yes. Some companies may require proof that you have repaired the car and it is road-worthy.
Only if the insurance company believes it was your mom driving at the time.
If you only carry liability insurance, that is all that the insurance company is liable for in this state.
You can purchase car liability insurance from the same company you get your regular car insurance from. If you are a new car insurance customer, ask your agent to add liability insurance to your plan.
The insurance company will usually retain the vehicle. You may be able to purchase it from them, call and ask.
If another person was at fault for the accident, you will need to go after their insurance company. If you are liability only, your insurance company will not pay for anything.
You can purchase limited liability insurance from any company that sells a car insurance policy, so you will choose the level of coverage you want to buy.
Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do with your insurance company. If you only have liability insurance, they do not pay anything to have your vehicle replaced.
Allstate has a good plan. Check it out here
Hi, It depends on what type of insurance you had. Liability, full coverage...etc...Call your insurance company and find out.
Automobile Liability insurance, YES. Liability insurance, NO. There are many kinds of liability insurance.
Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.
In most cases, you can get it fixed yourself. When the insurance company totals out a car, that is all they themselves are willing to pay. If you want to pay to have it fixed yourself, most won't care, but your rates may still change depending on the circumstances of the accident.