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I would call my agent on that one. First, you realize in the event that you are pulled over you are producing a registration under someone elses name. Secondly, if you are not the owner, you have no financial interest in the car and could not possibly collect from the insurance carrier for damages to that car. You may be able to get some sort of "non-owned auto liability" policy. Call your agent!

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Q: Can you get insurance on a car that has been loaned to you by a friend who is out of the country for 6-8 months?
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I am traveling for 6 months out of country. Is there a car insurance plan for this?

If you are taking your car, you will have to contact your insurance agent. If you are not taking your car with you, you could cancel your insurance for the time you will be gone.

Is it possible to get temporary car insurance in Florida?

In the state of Florida, you can buy insurance from 3 months to 6 months to more if you want. They do not have weekly insurance, but as long as its a few months, you can do that.

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You must be between the age of 21 and 75 to purchase temporary car insurance and you must have held a full license for at least 12 months, and you must be a resident of the country you are purchasing the insurance in.

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You can get international travel insurance for only the period of time you will be out of the country. Depending on the amount of days/months you will travel, it may be very affordable to add this type of insurance. A comprehensive travel insurance policy will provide for medical expenses while you travel, and will also offer protection for trip cancellation in certain conditions, as well as lost luggage reimbursement.

In Texas when a car is impounded how much does it cost to take it out?

well I'm not positively sure but you pay a set fee I wanna say 100 dollars and than have proof of 6 months of insurance....that's how it was with a friend of mine cuz he was driving without insurance

Do you have to have insurance full coverage if you are not driving a car that you are still paying on?

Yes & No. You still have to have liability coverage, which is the lowest type of car insurance, if you plan on driving another person's vehicle. Because, several years ago, I drove my friend's vehicle and the brakes went out and I rear-ended another vehicle. My friend did not have insurance on his vehicle, so my license was suspended for three months for no insurance. I advised the DMV that the vehicle wasn't mine! But, they told me that it doesn't matter! I should have had liability insurance anyways, if I was planning on driving someone Else's vehicle!

If i loaned somebody forty thousand dollars they pay me back 500 dollars a month how long will it take them to pay me back?

Eighty months. That's six years, eight months and that's just the principal.

Is insurance company still liable for medical payments even you no longer carry that insurance?

The insurance should cover an accident while it was in force. If you had insurance 2 months ago and the accident happened 2 months ago, coverages should apply. If the accident happened today and the coverage stopped 2 months ago, there should not be coverage.

How many months is an auto policy for New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company?


How much is seasonique with insurance and the generic?

It depends on your insurance. Mine went from $80 for 3 months to $90 to $140 with my newest insurance.

Where can I go in Texas to get some temporary insurance for six months?

Any licensed car insurance company can write a policy for you. Most companies only write car insurance policies for 6 months so that should be easy to find.

Do most insurance companies offer car insurance for just one day?

"No, all car insurance companies offer plans for a month at the least, but usually 3 months, 6 months, or a year. They are in increments not for one day though."