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Yes, the doctor and/or medical facility to whom you owe the bill can (and probably will) take you to court.

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Q: Can you get in trouble for not paying medical expenses after a car accident?
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Can you get in trouble for not paying a medical provider you were reimbursed for?

You can get "in trouble" for not paying medical providers period; whether you were reimbursed or not is largely immaterial.

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can my home be taken from me if i have trouble paying a medical bill?

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He tells Bob he wants to help Tiny Tim by paying for his medical treatement

What does limited liability insurance cover?

Limited liability insurance covers bodily injury liability like paying for medical expenses or lost wages when an accident occurs or property damage liability which takes care of damages to property and attorney and settlement when one is sued.

When in an accident and not at fault. Can the other party get away with not paying a claim saying it was caused by a medical condition?

NO, If they were at fault then they were at fault and are liable for the damages and injuries they caused. If a medical condition was a contributory cause of the accident, that has no effect on their legal liability.

Should I get liability insurance?

Yes because if you get into a car accident you wont be paying for the other cars damages out of your pocket. Your insurance would cover any expenses for the person who was hit and you wont have to worry about paying all the fees.

Which terms is the amount of money you most pay each year to cover your medical care expenses before your insurance policy stars paying?


Which term refers to the amount of money you must pay each year to cover your medical expenses before your insurance policy starts paying?

Deductible - A+

What terms is the amount of money you must pay each year to cover your medical care expenses before your insurance policy starts paying?

Deductible - A+

Didn't have insurance on spouse truck drove had accident.?

The owner of the truck is liable for all damages and injuries as a result of an accident if found at fault. Normally these would be paid by the insurance company if there was an existing policy. Insurance policies are far cheaper than paying these expenses out of pocket.

Why should a teacher get an insurance when he teaches at school?

A teacher should get an insurance when he teaches at school in order to avoid paying high medical treatment costs. In case of accident at work, a teacher can for reimbursement of medical cost.

If a buddy is riding your bike with no insurance and hurts himself who covers the medical expenses?

Technically, your buddy covers the medical expenses. He might be able to have his medical insurance cover it depending on the injuries AND as long as he DOES NOT mention that he got hurt while on the bike. Once he says that the doctors will not treat him for those injuries because they can't bill med insurance.. Medical insurance companies don't want to be paying for injuries that happened on an auto.