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Depends on the company. Some are open on weekends.

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Q: Can you get car insurance on a saturday?
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If you buy a used car on Saturday is it covered on your current insurance in Arizona?

As with any Insurance Company, as long as you registered the car with your car insurance company, then you are covered either same day or next billing cycle. Usually same day.

If you bought a car in Alabama on Saturday and could not register it or get insurance until Monday can you legally get a ticket on Sunday for no insurance?

Yes, If you were driving uninsured then you were uninsured, it doesn't matter what day of the week it is.

Where can one get multiple car insurance quotes in the uk?

One can get multiple car insurance quotes in the UK at Admiral Car Insurance, Privelege Car Insurance, Direct Line Car Insurance, Aviva Car Insurance, Churchill Car Insurance and many more.

Car accident bill health or car insurance?

Car insurance and possibly health insurance if the car insurance does no cover the entire bill.

Which companies provide car insurance for those under 25?

The companies which provide car insurance for those under 25 are 1 Cover Car Insurance, My Cheap Car Insurance, Direct Line Car Insurance, Churchill Car Insurance, The Co-operative Car Insurance and many more.

Where can I get classic car insurance in Georgia?

You can find Classic Car Insurance at First National Car Insurance Group, Geico and of course you can find Classic Car Insurance from Haggerty Classic Car Insurance.

What exactly is swinton car insurance?

"Like any other car insurance, Swinton car insurance offers insurance on cars so that if you get into a car accident, you have the insurance to cover you in costs."

If my name only as the owner is on a car but my daughter who has her own insurance on the car was in an accident could you be legally responsible?

No. Car insurance is insurance on the car not insurance on the driver.

Can you drive a car in Florida if the owner has insurance on the car but you do not have car insurance?


Can I get cheap car insurance in Iowa?

Yes, you can get separate car insurance if you wish. You do not have to have car insurance with your husband.

Where can one purchase car insurance liability?

You can purchase car liability insurance from the same company you get your regular car insurance from. If you are a new car insurance customer, ask your agent to add liability insurance to your plan.

What companies offer car insurance in LA?

Some companies that offer car insurance in LA include Minden Car Insurance, Harvey Car Insurance and Timberland Car Insurance. You can get more information about these insurance providers online at their respective websites.